Home Remedies for Getting Pregnant - Fact Vs Myth

Although it may sound far-fetched, home remedies for getting pregnant have been effectively used by millions of women for centuries throughout history. Keep in mind, it only sounds far-fetched because of our dependence on conventional medicine, which has also developed our need for quick fixes.

I feel every woman's frustration in battling infertility, and unfortunately I felt that everything outside of what "fertility specialists" told me were myths. After all, they were specialists and wore white coats, so they must have been right. Wrong.

What I found is by taking my health and body into my own hands I could better understand the process of conceiving, and find the problem areas that need to be fixed. But wading through the world of reproductive information is daunting, and the most important thing is to find multiple sources of information contained in one place. This would eliminate a great deal of trial and error, and headaches.

What are the myths and facts about home remedies for getting pregnant?

Myth #1: Prenatal Vitamins Are a Complete Source of Nutrients for Fertility

Fact: Prenatal vitamins are great for bone strength and preparing the body for pregnancy in a small way. However, if you have struggled with fertility, it means that there are issues bigger than those prenatal vitamins can solve for you. For instance, you may have a problem with high levels of acid in cervical mucus which kills sperm travelling to fertilize the egg. Prenatal vitamins don't come close to addressing an issue like this.

Myth #2: Holding in Semen After Intercourse Will Increase Chances of Getting Pregnant

Fact: This is probably the most frequently heard myths regarding home remedies for getting pregnant. The fact is, whether you hold in semen for 2 minutes or 2 days is inconsequential. Sperm can survive in the body for up to 5 days. Once they are in, they're in and are trying to find an egg to fertilize. You holding semen in for too long could actually hurt you because it can cause a urinary tract infection, which leads to antibiotics to clear the UTI and ultimately ruin your chances for conceiving that month.

Myth #3: Having Sex Everyday Increase Odds of Pregnancy

Fact: Although a healthy sex life definitely increases chances of pregnancy, it is a wide held myth that having intercourse every day will result in pregnancy. As a matter of fact, too much sex can actually decrease pregnancy odds. Sounds strange, doesn't it? It is recommended that you have sex every other day, or take a two night break before ovulation. This is beneficial because after a two or even three night break the sex will be more intense, which means more cervical mucus, and more potent sperm from your partner.

Obviously there are more myths and literature on overcoming infertility naturally. The types of foods you eat, lifestyle you live, make up you wear, shampoo and cleaning supplies you use, types of exercises and physical activity, and the types of vitamins you take all have a hand in you winning your fight against infertility.

Fertility is basically an easy process; the sperm fertilizes the egg. The reasons why it doesn't happen are immense. Arm yourself with knowledge of your body and reproductive system and what makes it stronger or weaker and you will be amazed at how fast you can win your battle.

Although we look to modern medicine as the saving grace for all of our ills, infertility is not an illness and most conventional means are not meant to correct issues with infertility.? Infertility is totally reversible, if you know what to look for.? Pills and injections do not naturally correct hormonal or reproductive issues that are preventing the body from preparing itself for pregnancy.? Home remedies for pregnancy are proven techniques used for centuries throughout most cultures on the planet.?


Helpful Tips on How to Get Pregnant Fast

There are several couples, which are trying to build their own family but fail because of fertilization issues. There have been many factors that are connected with the failure of fertilization. It might be because of the woman who suffers low progesterone level, endometriosis, ovulation problems and a lot more.

Prior to doing any natural methods in order to get pregnant fast, you have to go to your physician for consultation first; do not do anything without the advice of any medical practitioner, for that matter. There are still no alternatives for medicines that are science based which your physician may provide you, even if you hear of the effectiveness of those alternatives.

The following is some obvious means how to get pregnant fast:

You have to live in a healthful lifestyle and eat healthy food. Living a healthy lifestyle is that you have o quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol and to lessen the intake of caffeine. You must also do some exercises at least two times a day.

You must also consider tracking your monthly menstrual period. You have to maintain a record of the temperature of your vagina, and you must as well take note of the mucus that gets out of your cervix. You can make use also of the "Ovulation Calculator" method; this calculator is very accurate.

Ovulation is the period when a full-grown egg or ovum is discharged in the uterus after the elevation in the Luteinizing Hormone levels. This normally occurs on the 14th day when the woman has the regular twenty eight-day cycle of menstrual flow. For those women who do not have the regular 28 day cycle, divide the exact in days in the series by 2, and then you have to append an allowance of 1 or 2 days in order to arrive at the projected day of ovulating. The calculation does not apply to all women, and it is not an accurate science; therefore, it is not reliable.

During ovulation the mature egg or ovum that is released is full-grown for fertilization and set for conception. The egg has a short existence only. Its life span stays for twelve hours only then it will start to begin to disintegrate. The finest day to get pregnant fast is during the ovulation period.

Another factor how to get pregnant fast is the position during sexual intercourse. Several couples attest that the missionary position is very effective and successful. When you do the missionary position of sexual intercourse, the sperm of the man gets closer to the egg or ovum of the woman, and so it can be able to fertilize it better and easier.
Medical assistance or help is suited better to assist women to become pregnant. Science based medication is proven to be the most excellent chance for you to have a baby. It is also good to attempt the natural or holistic methods. You can be sure always if you consult the doctor first.


Help Getting Pregnant - Top 10 Tips and Things to Avoid

If you are looking for help getting pregnant then I must say that you are on right place as this article is going to be an immense help for you. We will specifically discuss here the top 10 tips and the things you should avoid in your life, in order to get pregnant fast. After reading this article, you will become more knowledgeable about getting pregnant easily.

But, why you actually need any tips to become pregnant?

It's a hard reality that almost 50 percent couples are suffering through some or other sort of infertility issues. For them, it is really important to know the dos and don'ts of getting pregnant fast. They may feel that certain things in their life are normal but don't know that they are contributing to their infertility problem.

So, here are the top 10 tips and things you should care about:

1. Be Happy in Your Life - Yes, this is the number one tip to become pregnant fast. You can do daily meditations which will eventually increases your chances to be happy by having more control over yourself.

2. Avoid Stress - We all know that stress is now become an integral part of our day to day life. However, we can reduce it up to some extent by doing fitness exercises as well as by doing yoga.

3. Know your most fertile period - You should always be aware about your most fertile period which mostly comes in the middle of your end of last period and start date of your period.

4. Enhance your diet - you should take care of your diet to increase the chances of getting pregnant fast. Many doctors actually suggest taking folic acid to make you ready for pregnancy.

5. Enjoyment during love - Researchers have proved that if you enjoy your lovemaking experience then your chances are more to become pregnant easily. So, make your partner comfortable and discuss about your pleasure points.

6. Avoid unnatural treatments - At first, you should avoid any unnatural means of getting pregnant. This may damage your body in the longer term as well as can harm your baby in case of pregnancy.

7. Discuss with your doctor - It is a possibility that there is a biological problem either in you or in your spouse. You should always examine yourself by a professional doctor.

8. Use supplements - You should also take some supplements to fulfill the demand of iron, protein and vitamins of your body. In many cases, it has been seen that a healthy body have better chance to become pregnant fast.

9. Avoid cigarette - You should also avoid taking coffee as well as smoking. Researchers have also found that these things have resulted in reduction of the sperm count as well as the chances of being pregnant.

10. Be realistic - If you have tried and not successful till now, then you should not feel frustrated just after few efforts. You should be realistic and understand this fact that this is not an overnight process.

I am quite confident that these tips and list of things which you should avoid will help you in getting pregnant fast. Feel free to share these tips to your friends and relatives to help them.