Best iPhone Pregnancy Apps for Mom and Dad

I admit that I'm sort of a geek also. . but not extremely geeky to the extend of wearing geeky glasses and holding laptop wherever I go. I'm an Application Support Engineer with also a background of Software Engineering so I do honestly loves anything to do with computers and technology gadgets. Me and my wife we both own an iPhone and today I thought of sharing a couple of applications for iPhone that we personally uses and some others as well for all future/current expecting parents. So here we go. (I personally have them all on my iPhone as well).

1. iPregnancy - This app is one of the famous and most recommended app for pregnancy. I personally use this with also Baby Bump which I will cover next. This app is really extensive and very useful. You can have all your baby information in there as well as your Obstetrician visits information, reminder, important contact numbers, storing baby names suggestions, week to week information for you to know on the pregnancy (General), and you can also share your information to Facebook & Twitter. The only downside for me is the interface is kind of plain and lack the 'baby theme' that's all but it generally does what it's suppose to do. You can't expect much (in terms of design) when it's coming from a pediatrician.

2. Baby Bump - What I like most about baby bump other than the usual must-have functions is the interface and also the theme of the app, It really captures the true nature of the app. It has week to week information on pregnancy, journal, photo album, kick counter, contractions, database of baby names, and one feature called 'Birth' where in there you can set your birth plan, newborn essentials checklist, and also a neat feature of 'Birth Announcement' where as soon as your baby is born you can set all the details (name, weight, gender, D. O. B, length) and send the 'Announcement' by email, twitter, and also Facebook. I really recommend this app!!

Preconception Apps

1. iPeriod - For those planning to have baby or just keeping your period information, this is one of the apps that my wife uses.

2. Period Tracker - Another apps for the ladies out there which is also used by my wife. We use it both to keep track on her period and also for us to keep track on the best date to try an conceive.


7 Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms a Father Should Know

I'm going to share with you today on 7 signs of pregnancy and symptoms in hope it will be useful to couples who plan to have a baby. Why I'm saying this is that, it is more to precautions to not overdo yourself after knowing that you're pregnant to avoid miscarriage or worse, this goes to the partner also, It's good to be alert especially if you're planning. I've heard a lot of miscarriage stories because they didn't realize that they were pregnant. So for those planning to get pregnant, this would be a good read. This list is derived from my wife's symptoms when she get pregnant. To all the daddy's out there, this is a very good information for you to take note of.

1. Fatigue/Exhaustion
This normally happens on the early stages of pregnancy and also towards the end. The cheerful and energetic wife of mine became weak and easily exhausted.

2. Missed Period
This is a very obvious sign for those on a regular period cycle but not in the case of irregular period cycle like my wife. It's best to avoid any physical activities once you've passed your regular period cycle to be safe.

3. Heartburn & Gastric
This happens to my wife right now and I can tell you that it's not an easy feeling looking at your wife having the pain due to the higher amount of acid in the stomach. The enlargement of the uterus puts pressure on the stomach causing acid build-up. This can be avoided by drinking milk and avoiding spicy and oily food.

4. Frequent Urination
Enlargement of the uterus not only puts pressure on stomach but also the bladder causing the feel of going more often.

5. Soreness of the Breasts
Although this sign is also very common for an impending period but the soreness in this case is caused by the tissue changes preparing for pregnancy. You will also experience the breast became larger and the nipple will become bigger and darker.

6. Strange Cravings
Yup..I'm having more Chicken Rice now than ever in my entire life due to my wife's craving of it. Strange cravings for food is also a very normal sign of pregnancy.

7. Dizziness
This is because of the low blood pressure due to pregnancy, it do become worse at times if you are having the symptoms even when you're not pregnant like my wife.

So guys...that's 7 of the signs and symptoms that you can look into while planning. Remember future daddies, DO NOT allow your partner to do heavy physical works when they're pregnant, keep them happy & smiling all the time, be there when they need you, and do your share of house chores;-) Happy Planning!