Home Remedies for Getting Pregnant - Fact Vs Myth

Although it may sound far-fetched, home remedies for getting pregnant have been effectively used by millions of women for centuries throughout history. Keep in mind, it only sounds far-fetched because of our dependence on conventional medicine, which has also developed our need for quick fixes.

I feel every woman's frustration in battling infertility, and unfortunately I felt that everything outside of what "fertility specialists" told me were myths. After all, they were specialists and wore white coats, so they must have been right. Wrong.

What I found is by taking my health and body into my own hands I could better understand the process of conceiving, and find the problem areas that need to be fixed. But wading through the world of reproductive information is daunting, and the most important thing is to find multiple sources of information contained in one place. This would eliminate a great deal of trial and error, and headaches.

What are the myths and facts about home remedies for getting pregnant?

Myth #1: Prenatal Vitamins Are a Complete Source of Nutrients for Fertility

Fact: Prenatal vitamins are great for bone strength and preparing the body for pregnancy in a small way. However, if you have struggled with fertility, it means that there are issues bigger than those prenatal vitamins can solve for you. For instance, you may have a problem with high levels of acid in cervical mucus which kills sperm travelling to fertilize the egg. Prenatal vitamins don't come close to addressing an issue like this.

Myth #2: Holding in Semen After Intercourse Will Increase Chances of Getting Pregnant

Fact: This is probably the most frequently heard myths regarding home remedies for getting pregnant. The fact is, whether you hold in semen for 2 minutes or 2 days is inconsequential. Sperm can survive in the body for up to 5 days. Once they are in, they're in and are trying to find an egg to fertilize. You holding semen in for too long could actually hurt you because it can cause a urinary tract infection, which leads to antibiotics to clear the UTI and ultimately ruin your chances for conceiving that month.

Myth #3: Having Sex Everyday Increase Odds of Pregnancy

Fact: Although a healthy sex life definitely increases chances of pregnancy, it is a wide held myth that having intercourse every day will result in pregnancy. As a matter of fact, too much sex can actually decrease pregnancy odds. Sounds strange, doesn't it? It is recommended that you have sex every other day, or take a two night break before ovulation. This is beneficial because after a two or even three night break the sex will be more intense, which means more cervical mucus, and more potent sperm from your partner.

Obviously there are more myths and literature on overcoming infertility naturally. The types of foods you eat, lifestyle you live, make up you wear, shampoo and cleaning supplies you use, types of exercises and physical activity, and the types of vitamins you take all have a hand in you winning your fight against infertility.

Fertility is basically an easy process; the sperm fertilizes the egg. The reasons why it doesn't happen are immense. Arm yourself with knowledge of your body and reproductive system and what makes it stronger or weaker and you will be amazed at how fast you can win your battle.

Although we look to modern medicine as the saving grace for all of our ills, infertility is not an illness and most conventional means are not meant to correct issues with infertility.? Infertility is totally reversible, if you know what to look for.? Pills and injections do not naturally correct hormonal or reproductive issues that are preventing the body from preparing itself for pregnancy.? Home remedies for pregnancy are proven techniques used for centuries throughout most cultures on the planet.?


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