When planning a baby you should always remember that the health of the parents is very important for a healthy baby. In fact scientists have suggested that a baby's health is affected by the health of the grandmother. Following are a few tips for better health through good food habits. This will enable you to get pregnant quickly.
A balanced diet which has all the food groups in the right proportion is a prerequisite to a fast pregnancy. Minerals, vitamins and other nutrients are very essential for preparing the body to nurture the baby.
Some essential foods for getting pregnant quickly are given below -
1. Fresh fruits and vegetables
Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Remember to wash them well and try to eat them freshly cut.
2. Wholegrain cereals
Try to eat wholegrain cereals over carbohydrates like potatoes and pasta as they provide the healthy extra calories required by you.
3. Protein-rich foods
Nuts, legumes, fish, eggs, chicken, and lean meat are rich sources of protein and an important part of your diet.
4. Oily Fish
Oily fish like tuna, sardines, trout, and mackerel twice every week is a much needed nutrient.
5. Dairy products
Yogurt, cheeses and milk are great sources of calcium which help you get pregnant faster.
6. Iron
The developing baby needs blood, thus eat more iron rich food like fortified breakfast cereals, green vegetables, bread, dried fruits, pulses, and red meat.
7. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Food rich in B6 (folic acid) are a must in this period as it increases the time period between ovulation and the start of the menstrual cycle - this increases the chances of implantation, thus increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy. Tuna, liver, kidneys, sardines, banana, egg yolk, soya, sweet potato, broccoli and asparagus are rich sources of folic acid and should be consumed daily.It is also believed that Folic Acid reduces the possibility of a miscarriage.
8. Zinc
Zinc is an important mineral as it prepares the body for pregnancy by helping the reproductive organs to function more efficiently by helping them to use the hormones - progesterone and estrogen more effectively. If a woman's diet is lacking in zinc it leads to a complication which damages the chromosomes. Oysters, wheat bran, pecan nuts and liver are very rich in zinc and are very essential not only to get pregnant quickly but also a healthy baby.
9. Vitamin E
Vitamin E or Tocopherol increases the chances of getting pregnant considerably as it increases the production of cervical mucus. It also improves the quality of the egg or ova. Rich sources of Vitamin E include sunflower oil, almond, wheat germ, tomatoes and kiwi fruit.
10. Green Tea
Green tea consumption aids getting pregnant easily as it do not allow the reproductive cells to be destroyed easily. It contains an antioxidant called polyphenol which protects the reproductive cells. But this is contradictory to the fact that caffeine intake should be stopped or restricted when you want to conceive.
Foods to avoid
Avoid painkillers, diet pills, stimulants, chocolate, cola, candy, soda, peanut butter, high-sugar drinks, spinach, bologna, lunch meats, salami, frankfurters, soy beans and other soy food for fast and healthy pregnancy.
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