In Vitro Fertilization: Procedure, Risks and IVF Cost

Many couples turn In vitro fertilization--IVF--if they have been struggling to conceive naturally for some time, if there are known fertility issues (with the female or the male, or both) or if the female is over a certain age. IVF is the process of fertilization outside the human body. An egg from the female and sperm from the male are combined in a laboratory dish and placed in a suitable environment for fertilization and early growth of the embryo, before it is implanted back into the uterus. The term "test tube baby" comes from the fact that the eggs and sperm are mixed together in a laboratory setting.

IVF can be divided into the following stages:

Stage 1: Special medication is prescribed for the female, to control the timing of the ripening of the egg and improve female fertility so that there is more chance of collecting multiple eggs. As some eggs will fail to fertilize or develop following their retrieval, a large number of eggs is desirable.

Stage 2: Ultrasound imaging is used during a minor surgical procedure to retrieve the eggs. A hollow needle is passed through the cavity of the pelvis to remove the eggs. Many women feel discomfort and cramping on this day, but this should be mild and short-lived. A sensation of pressure in the area should be expected for several weeks, however, which is perfectly normal.

Stage 3: The next step is insemination, in which the sperm and eggs are put into incubators to promote fertilization. The eggs are monitored and after cell division and fertilization has occurred, they are considered to be embryos.

Stage 4: A few days following egg retrieval, the embryos are transferred into the uterus using a speculum to expose the cervix. The embryos are suspended in fluid and passed into the womb via a catheter. The number of embryos that are created during any one IVF cycle has been a matter of debate amongst medical professionals for a long time. Generally, it is thought that the transfer of a maximum of four embryos will bring the best results. The transfer of more than four embryos carries a greater chance of multiple pregnancies, which can bring complications. Couples should be aware that if four embryos are transferred, all four of them could implant.

Stage 5: The woman is encouraged to rest and look out for early symptoms of pregnancy. Pregnancy will be determined by a blood test and possibly an ultrasound.

IVF success rates vary, depending on the specific characteristics of the woman, in particular the severity of any fertility issues she has been experiencing. In the United States, approximate live birth rates for IVF are 30 to 35% for women below the age of 35; 25% for women aged between 35 and 37; and 15 to 20% for women aged between 38 and 40. For couples who have genetic concerns or specific problems with their eggs or sperm, donor eggs, sperm or embryos can be used. It is estimated that around 10% of all assisted reproductive technology cycles use donated eggs.

As with all medical procedures, there are some risks associated with IVF; additionally, each stage of the process carries its own specific risks. The act of stimulating the ovaries may lead to hyper-stimulation, resulting in swollen, painful ovaries, however this is a rare side effect. Due to the use of anesthesia, there is a risk of bleeding, infection and injury to the bowel, bladder or blood vessels during the egg retrieval process. Stress, anxiety and depression are common when undergoing IVF, particularly when it is unsuccessful. Couples should be prepared for the emotional side of undergoing IVF, as well as the physical.

Another important issue to consider is ivf cost. Many couples in the United States are unable to afford fertility treatment because of the financial implications; the average cost of a single ivf cycle is $15,000. Many couples have to undergo several cycles before they are successful. Not all states cover IVF treatment as part of standard health insurance policies, meaning couples have to find alternative ways to pay for the treatment. It is believed that ivf cost is higher in the United States than anywhere else in the world. This can add to the stress and anxiety the couples are already experiencing, and have an adverse effect on their chances of success. It is important to discuss cost implications with the doctor at the outset and make sure you ask about the range of payment options available.


Infertility - A Problem for Both Men and Women

Unfortunately, infertility is a problem for many couples and it is often difficult to establish the rooot of the problem. The root of the lack of fertility may lay with either partner and if there is nothing which is easily identifiable, then the cause could lay hidden for a long time. Typical causes of infertility include endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve, problems with ovulation and an inadequate progesterone level for the ladies with low sperm count and poor sperm motility or mobility, sperm blockage or an STD being often to blame with the men. Any injury or serious illness of either party may also play a part. It is a fact of life that age must also be taken into account.

Accepting that there is a problem with fertility is the first hurdle and one which can cause stress and resentment in even the most stable relationship. Once, however, the truth has been accepted then you can move onto the more positive stage of action. Many of the above listed problems may be overcome by the systematic treatment of drugs. This is a big step to take and one which worries many couples. Side effects of such medication can be unpleasant and these are often counteracted with more drugs. You will find that there is a variety of alternative treatments available which are very effective and completely natural. These are not going to work for everyone but are always worth more than a cursory glance. Anything which is natural is going to be far better better than taking a range of drugs - especially in the case of fertility and pregnancy, which obviously a critical time for all concerned.

For example, a problem with the functioning of the ovaries may be helped by a course of acupuncture or auricular treatment. The messages which are sent around the body which promote the production of hormones can easily be confused and diverted resulting in a hormonal and ovarian malfunction. It would be a shame to treat a problem such as this with drugs when a simple course of holistic treatment would do the trick. It has been recorded in trials that women who have had a three month course of acupuncture, involving around 30 treatments, have responded extremely well. A similar cure using only hormonal therapy would certainly show signs of side effects.

Conventional medicine is now very advanced and it is possible to undergo IVF treatment and have eggs and sperm brought together and fertilised outside of the woman's body. This is not an uncommon practice but is a difficult and risking procedure.

Whether you are following a holistic or conventional route to help you conceive, one very important aspect must be diet. This is a very full subject and not one which can not be covered in such a short space. However, you can visit my new website, where you will find a variety of articles regarding fertility and pregnancy as well as all aspects of life with children!

Click here to visit my website - I have very tired parents! - http://www.ihvtp.com/.

Joanna is a mother of two adult daughters, a nanny in Paris and a long time freelance writer. She now has her own website dedicated to all things involving children and the fun and trouble that they can get into. It includes practical articles, great offers and good ideas for all. Visit http://www.ihvtp.com/ (I Have Very Tired Parents...!)


In Vitro Fertilization or IVF Alternative - Making the Right Choice

If you've been thinking about In Vitro fertilization or IVF, this article will give you information about IVF alternatives as well as the potential risks involved with the procedure. As always you should discuss your options with a doctor before making any medical decisions. Being unable to conceive is a devastating fact of life for millions of women, options such as adoption, IVF, and surrogacy to name a few have provided opportunities for women unable to conceive, but want to have children in their lives. But there are millions more women that are suffering from infertility problems that have external causes that can possibly be remedied.

What causes infertility in women?
? Hormonal deficiencies or imbalances
? Structural reproductive organ problems
? Illness
? Surgery can cause hormonal disruptions and chemical imbalances from potent medications.
? PID or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) an infection of the reproductive organs and the?pelvis is one of the most common causes of female infertility.
? Adrenal gland and thyroid deficiencies.
? Scar tissue from vaginal or abdominal surgeries.
? Medications - antibiotics, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory agents.

Indications that someone is infertile will vary from one individual to another, but the most common sign of infertility is the inability to become pregnant after having regular, unprotected sex for a year or more without any birth control in place. Even if you are generally healthy, have normal menstrual cycles, and exhibit a healthy sex drive you may still become infertile.

Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself if you believe you may be infertile.

- Is either partner 35 years of age or older? A 30 year old woman has a 20% chance of getting pregnant during any one cycle. However, at 40 years of age the chances are reduced to as low as 5%. So, if you are over 35 and have been unable to conceive for six months or more without success, you may want to seek medical attention to discuss possible fertility issues.

- Do you have regular or irregular menstrual cycles? Irregular menstrual cycle could be a warning signal of a fertility issue. This is hardly conclusive however, but if you are having trouble conceiving and your menstrual cycles are outside of the 24 to 35 normal menstrual cycle span, you might want to talk to a physician...just to be certain.

Risks Involved with (IVF) In Vitro fertilization.

Basically In Vitro fertilization is a process where a woman's eggs are retrieved from the body and inseminated in a lab with semen from a partner or a donor. The resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus in a separate procedure. Drugs are used to induce the release of mature eggs from the ovaries. A light anesthesia is administered, and the eggs are usually removed by ultrasound guided retrieval or, less commonly by laparoscopy. Any surgery, even what is considered minor surgery poses some risks. Many women are selecting one of the many IVF alternatives as a first choice instead of subjecting themselves to the possible risks associated with surgery.

Talk to you doctor about IVF alternative options if you believe you need help conceiving, you can also find information on the internet - just remember to talk with your doctor before undertaking any actions.



How Your Child Can Suffer From Smoking During Pregnancy

Anyone who smokes knows that it is unhealthy, but smoking during pregnancy also places your baby at great risk for many health problems. Actually, there are problems right down the line including adverse risks during birth and beyond. If you smoke and learn that you are pregnant, the ideal time to quit is immediately. However, we realize that not all mothers will quit immediately which is unfortunate. The benefits of quitting for both you are your baby are tremendous. Once you've made the decision to quit seek out a support group to help you succeed. Smoking during pregnancy poses some very real risks and we will talk about those risks here.

When a woman smokes while she is carrying her baby, all systems are essentially under attack from hundreds of known chemicals added to cigarettes. The baby's immune system is compromised, and the effect of that is the general tendency to be sick more often with colds and other infections. There are known complications to the respiratory system as evidenced by a slew of potential problems positively correlated to smoking during pregnancy. Children of mothers who smoked while pregnant can also have problems with normal growth.

Infants of smoking mothers are displaying an interesting trend. The babies in this category tend to have a higher heart rate than babies whose mothers did not smoke. A baby born to a smoking mother will have a heart rate that is about 30% higher than a baby whose mother doesn't smoke. This is speaking specifically about women who smoked during pregnancy. It is difficult to know the exact cause of this condition. But it may be due in part to the baby not receiving the normal amount of oxygen because of the smoking.

More children are being diagnosed with ADHD or attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. In fact, millions of diagnoses are made each year, and the figure appears to be climbing each year. Smoking at least half a pack a day, increases your child's tendency toward hyperactivity, although there are many other causes of ADHD. This increased hyperactivity increases a child's risk of being diagnosed with ADHD.

This should be a tremendous cause for concern for women who smoke while pregnancy.

The highly negative effects on her baby are enormous and incompletely understood. The issues discussed have mainly focused on the unborn baby but these problems don't disappear after birth. These consequences are far reaching and can affect the child well into adulthood. The child can be left dealing with the consequences of their mother smoking while pregnant for their entire life. This is why it is extremely important to quit smoking for the sake of both the mother and the baby.

How to Overcome Stress From Endometriosis Laparoscopic Surgery

When families undergo stress, the next most important step to be able to cope up with a lot of stressful situations is to bond together, to hold substantial conversations, and to express in as numerous ways as possible the ill-feelings toward the stress. This is to make sure that they understand fully their predicament and for them to stay bonded to overcome this challenge.

An example of this stressful scenario is to witness a loved-one who has to go through the endometriosis laparoscopic surgery. This is a medical process that although can be performed on an outpatient basis for a short period of hospital confinement it can still cause stress on the person undergoing the knife and his family and friends. This pressure might eventually result in stressful situations before, during, and right after the endometriosis laparoscopic surgery that would lead the family wearing down emotionally, financially, and spiritually.

Now, how does a loved one become sufficiently strong to manage the challenge that the surgical procedure is going to pose on her body, soul, spirit, and the family members waiting for her outside of the operating room? How should one deal with a loved-one who just had or is still recuperating from endometriosis laparoscopic surgery?

Read on and discover the various ways to do it. Be encouraged that you are not alone in this.

• Yes, be encouraged that as the person going through the surgery, you are not alone in this because one's family will be there through thick and thin. Loved ones meanwhile shouldn't lose heart because an endometriosis laparoscopic surgery isn't that serious a medical procedure anyway. This is a non-invasive procedure and recovery is only for a short period. Sometimes one is even not required to stay in a medical facility.

• A family also needs to prepare their heart and spirit to whatever the outcome of the operation will be. Hope for what's best but always expect the worst. This is the way to do it so they won't be overly excited or perhaps be totally devastated with disappointment and frustration. This is most importantly applicable to a woman undergoing the surgery so that you can correct her infertility challenge and to the husband expecting that it's going to be a hundred percent successful --- that at long last his wife will likely be able to conceive soon.

• Then while the loved one in surgery, members of the family waiting from outside of the OR should stay calm and focused because anytime the surgeon might go out and ask for their opinion or approval in cases when the operation does not go well plus some other thing needs to be done. This is because the person on the operating table could no longer decide for herself. One shouldn't lose his calm in the whole duration.

• Come recovery time, loved ones need not surround the patient 24-7. All they have to do really is always to make him feel that she is loved and looked after. Keep the patient company only when she requests for it. Just that.


How to Name Your Muslim Child

Although it's still early for me, I don't think it's a bad idea for me to start thinking about naming my child. As for me, my religious teaching requires me to look for meaningful names, good names with good meaning as some believed that whatever name that you chooses for you children, it will somehow impact their future life and I believe this is also true for other religions too. Choosing a good and meaningful name is very important as a name is like a prayer, every single day people will be calling your name. Just imagine that you (without proper knowledge) named your child with a bad name, for example something that relates to stubbornness or stupid, people will be calling your child's name time and time and it will act like a prayer or wish and you won't want that for your kids right? So how exactly you should name your child? I will share today some of the tips i get to name your Muslim child and also bad way to name your child.

Recommended Way To Name You Child

1. Named after the Prophets like Muhammad, Isa, Ibrahim, Nuh, Yaakob, etc.

2. Name taken from Asma 'ul Husna (99 names of Allah) - Prophet Muhammad S.A.W has once told that Abdul Rahman (Slave of the Generous; Compassionate; Beneficent) and Abdullah (Slave of Allah) are the names that Allah loves most. I should also point out that in order to use one of the names of Allah, you must put 'Abdul' (meaning 'slave of') in front of it and you can't use 'Abdul' with other names except for the 99 names of Allah.

3. Named after the Prophet's close friends - Name such as Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Saad, Zubair and others are also a good choice for a baby name. They are known as good friends of the Prophets, good leaders, good thinkers, good noble people.

Forbidden Way To Name Your Child

1. Bad and degrading such as Sariq (Thieves), Ashiah ( those who are immoral), Kilab (Dogs), Jahil (Stupid).

2. Specially for Allah only like Ahad (the only One).

3. Didn't have any useful meaning such as Malikul Amlak ( Kings of all kings), Aflah (Prosperous), Yasar (Left-wing - in political term) as prohibited by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W with his saying:

"Do not call your boy Yasar, nor Rabah, nor Najeeh, nor Aflah, since you will say: Is he there?' So it will be said: 'No'. Indeed they are four, so do not attribute more to me." (Reported by Muslim, Abu Dawud & At-Tirmidhee)

4. Anything with 'Abdul' (Slave of) with other attributes other than Allah's 99 names like Abdul Uzza (Uzza's Slave), Abdul Kaabah (Kaabah's Slave), Abdul Fulus (Money Slave).

Recommended and Forbidden names information is taken from 'Indahnya Hidup Bersyariat by Dato' Ismail Kamus' book given by my uncle. It's a good book and I recommend those of you in Malaysia to get it.



How to Get the Most Out of Intercourse to Get Pregnant

If you have recently decided to try for a baby you may be wondering if there are any tips and tricks that can speed up the process, without resorting to supplements or fertility treatments. The good news is that there are some helpful hints to bear in mind when having intercourse to get pregnant.

Positions matter! The key is to give gravity a helping hand and make sure your partner's sperm is as close to your cervix as possible. Good ways to help the sperm swim up your fallopian tubes is to lift your legs in the air immediately after intercourse; lean them against the wall for a few minutes if you find it difficult to hold them in that position yourself. You could also try lying on your side with your knees drawn up tightly against your chest. Placing a pillow underneath your hips while lying in the missionary position on your back is another good way to get the sperm where you want it to go!

When it comes to intercourse itself, the missionary position is a good one to go for, as your partner is able to penetrate deeply into your cervix. Another good baby-making position is thought to be the man penetrating the woman from behind, when she is on all fours. The female orgasm is thought to be important when it comes to making a baby, because the muscles contract during an orgasm and draw more sperm deep into the cervix. Another common tip for increasing your chances of getting pregnant naturally is performing pelvic floor exercises after intercourse; again, this is down to muscle contraction and keeping that sperm where it needs to be!

As well as things you should do when having intercourse to get pregnant, there are some things you should avoid doing. Be careful to maintain a good diet when you are trying to conceive. Avoid eating certain foods that are considered potentially harmful to the baby. Foods that you should avoid at this time are raw or undercooked meat, poultry and eggs (including homemade food made with raw eggs); liver and liver products containing high levels of vitamin A; soft, ripe cheese such as Brie; blue vein cheese such as Stilton; and soft cheese made from unpasteurized sheep or goat's milk.

In addition, caffeine and alcohol should be kept to a minimum, and you should quit smoking straight away. A study in the United States found that drinking three cups of coffee per day could reduce the chance of getting pregnant by 27%, compared to a woman who drinks no coffee. It is believed that as little as five units of alcohol per week can also have a huge impact on your likelihood of conception. It is best to avoid alcohol completely when you are trying to conceive, and then follow the advice of your doctor in relation to alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Good news for the women is that men should pay attention to their drinking habits too; it has been established that alcohol can affect sperm production and motility, and drinking three to four units of alcohol per day can lower testosterone in the short term and shrivel the testicles in the long term. There are direct links between smoking and infertility. Again, male fertility is just as much of an issue as female fertility. Male smokers are thought to produce fewer sperm when they ejaculate, and smokers of both sexes are more likely to produce children with genetic defects.

You may have read that you can use intercourse to determine whether you will have a boy or a girl. While this sounds like fun, there is no scientific proof that it works. However, you may want to give it a go anyway! The most common myth is that if you have intercourse standing up, you will produce a boy. However, some studies have shown that the foods you eat when you are trying to conceive can affect whether you have a boy or a girl. It is possible that a diet rich in potassium and sodium-such as bananas, spicy foods and red meat-will be more likely to result in the conception of a baby boy. A diet high in calcium and magnesium, on the other hand, may be more likely to produce a girl. The consensus from health professionals, however, is that there is not enough evidence to back these claims up and your focus when trying to get pregnant should be on a well-balanced, nutritious diet.


How to Get Pregnant Now! Read This If You Are Sick of Waiting to Conceive?

"Tell me how to get pregnant now!" demanded the angry patient. It seems to be a common scene in doctor's clinics right across the world. Desperate women and partners who are at their wits end because they simply can't get pregnant and worse still doctors can't give them a straight answer as to how to solve this horrible problem.

The good news for those of you that really do want to know how to get pregnant now (or yesterday to be precise) is that there are some incredible methods that you probably haven't been using as yet. Whilst conceiving a baby can be much harder for some couples this doesn't mean that you should give up or accept that it will take years to successfully give birth to a family of your own.

Unfortunately most so called experts are far from that. Before you even begin speaking with your local GP or doctor I would first ask them "what results do you have to prove to me that you can teach me how to get pregnant now?". If the answer is vague and skips the question then I think you are looking in the wrong area of expertise.

The important thing to remember is to keep focused on the end goal, and that is having a healthy baby and starting a family. If you loose sight of that magic day when you 'will' finally give birth to that little precious baby you have always wanted then you may as well not even try. This can be your reality - why am I so confident? Because I have seen so many stories just like your where so-called miracles have occurred and now these people are happily living their family dream.

What steps should you take?

Fertility drugs are one option but they definitely shouldn't be your first port of call. They are expensive carry bigger risks and most importantly most people skip straight to this so call 'easy fix' solution of drugs. Believe me there are many easier, risk free and more effective easy of conceiving a baby. If you really want to get pregnant now then I would suggest some more natural alternatives, at least to begin.

I would first suggest to get your lifestyle and body as healthy as possible eg. No drugs, alcohol, smoking and diet. This is for both you and your husband as he is a vital par tin this process. You can also try some exercise which is a great way of decreasing the stress levels and giving your body some natural chemicals that help create a healthier and more positive body. No surprises that a healthy body leads to dramatically increased chances of getting pregnant.

Most important I would find an author or specialist that you really trust. Doctors and educated people are a great place to start but most importantly make sure they have a phd in results. Eg. Someone that has helped hundreds of women just like you achieve that incredible dream of easily conceiving and starting a family. Learning how to get pregnant now should be as hard as lots of so called specialists make it out to be.

Are you Having Trouble Trying to get Pregnant?

Finding real pregnancy expert with proven results can be very hard. If you want to read the exact methods that I have based my whole pregnancy philosophy on then I would love to share them with you. These are the How to get Pregnant Now methods that I used.
Pregnancy Miracle is the only 'how to get pregnant' resource that I have purchased and not asked for a refund. Incredible information with a spectacular success rate - I would love to see your success story amongst all the others!



How To Get Pregnant If You Are Struggling - Common Methods For Pregnancy and What You Are Missing

For most women, getting pregnant and having children is something they've wanted all their lives. If this describes you then you may have thought about or even began trying to get pregnant. What most women don't anticipate is how difficult it can be sometimes. There are times when nothing happens after months of trying. It can become frustrating and you may be worried about infertility.

While you see most couples who try to conceive, do so almost immediately. Here you are struggling even though you are doing everything the doctor says to do. You can't seem to figure out why you can't get pregnant. Here are a few common methods that many people use to get pregnant:

- Fertility pills - prescription and non prescription drugs that help induce pregnancy

- Pregnancy timing - having sex prior to ovulation, or during

- Eating the right foods - certain foods supposedly affects the cycle and stimulate blood cells

What most couples are missing is their knowledge on fertility. They think that just by having sex near ovulation, staying healthy and eating the right foods is all you need to do. There is a lot more to that. If you are someone who's struggling with fertility then there are some things you should know. If having a child of your own is important to you, then you need to take it a little bit further and do the proper research and find out what you've been missing or doing wrong. Sometimes doctors won't be able to tell you these things because they are not obvious. Many women have been able to have a child by simply getting the right information that will reveal things that they never knew before. The best way to learn is from someone who's been through the same situation as you have.

How to Get Pregnant Faster Than You Ever Imagined

A common trait most people who have decided to have children share is that they tend to feel the need to conceive as quick as possible in order to feel accomplished. Any delay would mean panic for most, which, in turn, slows down the process even more. If you don't want to fall into this same loop as others have in the past, you have to know that you can get pregnant faster than anyone else if you only know a trick or two. These things can really help you relieve the anxiety of starting a family and can get you feel more fulfilled in a short period of time.

Generally, there are only two most important things to do in order to get pregnant faster. That would be to remember to try for a baby during the female's most fertile days of the month, and to execute the most ideal sex positions for pregnancy.

Fertile Days

As everyone would know, a female body works like a calendar. The system works by following the menstrual cycle. Before the period comes, there would be a window for when the egg will just be sitting in the uterus waiting to get fertilized. This period is the most fertile time of the month for a woman, as the ovum will be in the right condition and position for fertilization. Trying for a baby around this time will boost the odds of getting pregnant.

Ideally, the ovum will sit and wait in the ovaries for at least 24 hours. After this time, it will then break, which causes menstruation. This, however, doesn't mean that you should only do it around this time, because there are also instances where you can get pregnant by having unprotected sex any time of the month. However, doing it during the ovulation period is still the most idea technique, as according to experts.

Sex Positions

This other technique calls for doing the right positions when trying for a baby. You see, in order to further boost your chances of getting pregnant, it would be ideal to help the sperm reach its target destination faster. To do that, you need deeper penetration, so you can deposit these swimmers nearer the uterus, where the egg is waiting. By doing this, you can easily help the sperm reach the egg without too much fuss.

Combination Routine

Combining these two techniques ensure higher odds of how to get pregnant faster. It's just a really simple system that you can try without having to worry too much, so there's no reason why not give it a shot.

To better ensure that the above mentioned techniques on how to get pregnant faster would work effectively, don't forget to take steps in setting the conditions right. For example, be on a good shape and health when trying to get pregnant. This way, you can be sure that your systems will function accordingly.



How to Get Pregnant Fast - Proven and Simple Strategy For Getting Pregnant Fast Even If You Are 45

As soon as we decided to start having children, the first thing we wanted to know was the quickest way to get pregnant. Everyone is not lucky on the first try, although some women are successful on their first attempt. For others; however, conception is a very difficult process.

As women reach their 40s, conception is a difficult proposition due to issues related to fertility. Although science has made steady progress in this field, it can be costly and is an unavailable procedure in some parts of the world.

Women who find out having a child of their own is out of the question find themselves in a heartbreaking situation. But, even at an older age, the possibility of a pregnancy is still there. Discover some methods of achieving a quick and healthy pregnancy.

It's a well-known fact that the older a woman gets, conception becomes more difficult. The reason for this is the older they get the closer they are to menopause. Don't give up hope and quit because the possibility is always there. A large number of 40-something women have successfully had children.

Following is a process thumbnail:

1. A quick pregnancy includes being emotionally, mentally and physically ready. Having a healthy body and mind is a good beginning point. A balanced diet that include vitamins and minerals is an absolute must and although we loath it, exercise is necessary.

2. Consult your physician. They may be able to recommend a number of supplements that aid with conception or you may be on various prescription medications that block the conception process. It's important to review both situations with your doctor.

3. Don't try to hard. This is a stress creator which only acts as an inhibiting factor when it comes to conceiving a child. It's difficult to avoid, but relieving stress is necessary to achieve and maintain good health. Relax, pamper yourself at the spa and stay away from the office for a few days.

4. Timing is everything when it comes to ovulation. It is not necessarily an indication that you are infertile. If you are unaware of your ovulation cycle, check with your gynecologist. Each woman ovulates during a different time of the month.

5. It's also a good idea for your partner to have a physical. Sperm, in large numbers are required in order to conceive. Take a romantic vacation or spend additional time together. For the majority of couples, this has virtually always been successful.

Achieving a quick pregnancy at 40 years old may be a special challenge for a large number of women. So, if you truly desire a child, making significant changes in your life should not be an issue. Cradling your own child within your arms is the most fulfilling and satisfying experience you can have.

Actually; you can get pregnant Naturally regardless your age, condition or of how long you have been trying to conceive! There are very safe - HIGHLY EFFECTIVE methods through which you would get pregnant in No-Time. Click Here Now! To check it out!

If you really want to 'REVERSE' any kind of INFERTILITY, have healthy Babies and improve your life dramatically without recurring To Drugs, IVF or IUI Procedures, then I urge you to visit this site RIGHT NOW: Just Click Here!


How to Get Pregnant Easily - Easy to Follow Tips

Are you finding it impossible to get pregnant? Many books and doctors preach 'how to get pregnant easily' secrets but finding something that actually works can be a much harder task than just going to your local doctor and saying "I'm infertile fix me!". The important thing to realise is that many women across the world are having succeeding in getting pregnant just when they thought there was no hope for them left. There are a number of things that you can do to dramatically increase your chances of having a baby - Here are some great how to get pregnant easily tips that will actually help you!

There are two main factors that are causing women to have trouble conceiving and creating the family that they want so much. The first factor is they are talking and looking to the wrong people for advice. The second biggest contributor is stress in their life. Lets assume that you are getting good advice from a doctor with proven results (eg. They have actually helped clients easily get pregnant) and lets concentrate on the negative effects that stress can having on trying to get pregnant easily.

Stress can make it hard to conceive the baby but it can also make it hard to carry the child for the full term. This isn't even mentioning the negative effects that stress has on the physical process of making love eg. Lack of sexual desire and physical attraction and also the effectiveness of the sperm to actually conceive.

Imagine how much fitter and healthier you body is when you are less stressed? When you are in this frame of mind your whole body is free to function better so its only natural that your chances of getting pregnant easily are going to increase. This may sound simplistic but you would be amazed at how the simple things are often the most overlooked and important things when it comes to easily getting pregnant.

And if you don't believe me take a minute to imagine what it would be like if you could change a few small things in your life and that would allow you to easily conceive and baby. Do you think it might be worth giving it a shot? Having a family is the most important thing in most people life so surely it is worth the sacrifice of trying to get rid of some stress in your life?

So believe me - concentrate on the little things in your life like stress, diet and make sure you body is getting all of the nutrients that it requires to get pregnant. Did you even know that if your body isn't getting certain important nutrients and vitamins that it can find it impossible to conceive?

If you aren't getting the right advice from your doctor or you aren't even getting any advice then make sure you find someone with proven results when it comes to helping older women or people who are having trouble conceive. There are many great specialists with truckloads of incredible success stories its just a matter of finding them and following their secrets and methods until you to become one of their success stories and learn how to get pregnant easily.

Are you Having Trouble Trying to get Pregnant?

Finding real pregnancy expert with proven results can be very hard. If you want to read the exact methods that I have based my whole pregnancy philosophy on then I would love to share them with you. Here are all the How to Get Pregnant Easily methods that I have used.
Pregnancy Miracle is the only 'how to get pregnant' resource that I have purchased and not asked for a refund. Incredible information with a spectacular success rate - I would love to see your success story amongst all the others!

How to Find Stylish Maternity Clothes Online

When it comes to finding stylish maternity clothes online, it can be somewhat of a challenge. Particular trends may come and go, but the majority of maternity clothing styles remain the same. In order to start your search for trendy maternity wear, you should first look to celebrities on talk shows and in fashion magazines. Often times, these magazines will list the names of stores and websites where identical clothing can be found. Even if a website for a retailer is not listed, most companies will have online stores. Similarly, modern maternity magazines can be an ideal resource for finding trendy clothing. Maternity magazines will often have a different selection of clothing than traditional pregnancy magazines that you may find more appealing.

The next step to finding stylish maternity clothes online is to check online with the latest offerings from your favorite fashion designers. Often times, you will be able to find selections online that will not be carried by every physical retailer. Auction sites and major online stores, like eBay and Amazon, can also have an extensive selection of clothing. The prices for this clothing will often be much more reasonable than what you would pay at a boutique or department store. Some of the most popular online sites for maternity clothing online include Motherhood.com, Poshmaternityonline.com, momshop.com, and Evalillian.com. However, you will have many more options to choose from if you so wish.

Because you will not be able to try on maternity clothes online, choosing the correct sizing is also important. The clothing you select should have some amount of stretch to it, like Spandex or Lycra. Particular styles that flatter almost every pregnant woman include empire waistlines, drop waistlines, and baby doll style clothing. Although most women dread the thought of buying pants with elastic in the waistline, it can be a lifesaver for most women in the later stages of pregnancy. Most experts recommend that a woman purchase 1 to 2 sizes up from her pre pregnancy size. For example, if you wear a medium, then you should purchase clothing in a size large or extra large.



How To Deal With Conception Issues

Getting pregnant is not as simple as people often perceive it. Several women encounter various issues in different stages of pregnancy. There are also some cases in which women get depressed, as they have passed the time a bit more than the usual conception period. Many get disheartened and hopeless at this stage. However, the problem with every couple is not the same,perhaps, there is some possible solution which the couples are missing. What they need to do is look harder. Have routine check-ups on regular basis is very important, especially when it involves the chronic stage of pregnancy. Different researches on such cases have given us a direction of Fertility clinic and infertility treatment. Finally, there are some good experts to help you out.

Many women are not aware that it takes at least six months to conceive. And it is often seen that within three to four months women start worrying that may be there is some problem that might cause hindrance in normal conception. Here are some tips to ease their fear.

Take some steps that will increase your chances of conceiving. Healthy diet is very important at the time of conceiving, get rid of alcohol if you are in habit and also avoid any drugs that can affect you and your child's health. Try avoiding the junk food or too high protein diets. Fruits and vegetables tend to be a healthy portion of your diet. Maintain your weight with some routine exercise. And avoid cigarettes if you are habitual.

If you are still not satisfied, then visit your concerned doctor, as he/she will come up with some better plan for you. Have some physical check up as per the recommendation of your doctor. It will test your health for conceiving.

Before setting any plan, just keep in mind how to avoid unnatural ways of conceiving and look towards more natural ones. As unnatural treatments can have some bad implications. You can have doctor's advice when you are dealing with some natural ways of treatment, as he/she will be able to guide and prepare you for coming days of pregnancy.

Try to stay away from the mental stress and worries that present around you, your work environment or somewhere else. Try to remain calm, relax and also maintain a regular eight hours sleep. These precautions will help you throughout the gestation period. For some people it's hard to believe that a mother's mental stress can influence the health of an unborn child. However, it's true and your child can have different problems if you are under too much stress. It can result in births with less weight than the average weight.

There is no need to worry about conceiving a child because there is much you can do on your own to deal with it. It is a good idea to go for regular check-ups and maintain a healthy diet and weight. When you are healthy, you can certainly give birth to a healthy child.


How To Conceive A Boy - Using Natural Techniques For Gender Selection

Literally thousands of couples each year ask the same question, how to conceive a boy? Boys are often given a lot more consideration and choice than girls. This is due in part to, some families already full of girls and wanting a boy to complete the family picture. Maybe you didn't know that the gender selection is possible. Whether you have a family of girls or just want a boy, there are certain techniques couples can try, to enhance their chances of conceiving a boy. Also, here are some tips to help with the question of how to conceive a boy. Monitoring your

Cervical Mucus:

Charting the cervical mucus plays a important role in fulfilling your dreams of a bouncing baby boy. Consistency should be similar to raw egg white and will seem watery and external elasticity just before ovulation. When asking how to conceive a boy remember this tidbit and start about a month in advance figuring out your particular time period. It is recommended that this is very important in your plan how to conceive a boy by timing your ovulation and sticking to your plans.

Basal Body Temperature:

Charting of the basal body temperature helps you to analyze the time of ovulation. By using a basal thermometer you record the temperature every morning when you wake up. This is done before any bodily moves or activity. When following your plan on how to conceive a boy this is a priority and should be put into action about two months before you plan to conceive. A raise in temperature is a clear indication your ovulation period is over. You and your partner will have to adhere to this plan closely to conceive a baby boy.

Valuable intercourse timing:

Researchers conclude that your chances of conceiving a baby boy if you use certain timing methods with intercourse choices. Rule of thumb to follow is no sexual intercourse 12 hours after ovulation and not before 24 hours before the same. Simply explained the "boy sperm" Y, close to ovulation speeds up its pace and during this time is very slippery and helps the Y sperm reach the egg quicker than the X sperm for girls.

Sexual positions:

You need deep penetration during intercourse to help with that how to conceive a boy question. It has been stated that "doggy style" is the perfect sexual position. The sperm deposits seem to be closer to the cervix, enabling the Y sperm to fuse with the egg more readily. During orgasm the contractions usually noticed helps to push the Y sperm into the cervix. Thus, the fertilization has a chance to take place at a much quicker pace. If you are trying to maximize your chances on how to conceive a boy these tips and techniques will definitely increase the likely hood of success. Remember there are no guarantees. The possibilities are endless though, worth exploring. These are just a few ways and suggestions to make your dreams come true. The dream of being a parent of a baby boy.

How To Avoid or Cure Anaemia During Pregnancy

Why are pregnant women more prone to have anaemia during pregnancy?

Pregnant women are more prone to have anaemia during pregnancy simply because they're also supplying it to their developing baby. Anaemia is also more common in women who have pregnancies close together and also in women carrying twins or triplets.

Why is iron so important in a healthy pregnancy diet?

"Iron - poor blood," an expression common in some places, is really haemoglobin - poor blood. Haemoglobin is the iron - containing oxygen - transport protein that is found in our red blood cells. Having enough iron in your pregnancy diet enables both you and your baby's blood to successfully carry oxygen.

How much iron should take to prevent anaemia during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is a must to make sure that you're getting at least 30-50mg of iron each day. After your 20th week, that amount becomes imperative as your baby depends on your iron supply to formulate his or her own red blood cells.

Iron - rich foods or iron supplements?

Although taking a supplement is a great way to ensure that you're getting enough iron each day and thus prevent or cure anaemia during pregnancy, natural foods should always be your first choice since they are always safer to take and more easily absorbed in our body.

What foods are rich in iron?

Food -- Amount -- Iron Content(mg)

Blackstrap molasses -- 1 tablespoon -- 5.0Raw Tofu -- ? cup -- 4.0Lentils -- ? cup -- 3.3Beef chuck -- 3 ounces -- 3.2Dried peaches -- 5 halves -- 2.6Kidney beans -- ? cup -- 2.6Wheat germ -- ? cup -- 2.6Chickpeas -- ? cup -- 2.4Broccoli -- 1 medium stalk -- 2.1Dark meat turkey -- 3 ounces -- 2.0Spinach -- 1 cup raw -- 0.8



Home Remedies for Getting Pregnant - Fact Vs Myth

Although it may sound far-fetched, home remedies for getting pregnant have been effectively used by millions of women for centuries throughout history. Keep in mind, it only sounds far-fetched because of our dependence on conventional medicine, which has also developed our need for quick fixes.

I feel every woman's frustration in battling infertility, and unfortunately I felt that everything outside of what "fertility specialists" told me were myths. After all, they were specialists and wore white coats, so they must have been right. Wrong.

What I found is by taking my health and body into my own hands I could better understand the process of conceiving, and find the problem areas that need to be fixed. But wading through the world of reproductive information is daunting, and the most important thing is to find multiple sources of information contained in one place. This would eliminate a great deal of trial and error, and headaches.

What are the myths and facts about home remedies for getting pregnant?

Myth #1: Prenatal Vitamins Are a Complete Source of Nutrients for Fertility

Fact: Prenatal vitamins are great for bone strength and preparing the body for pregnancy in a small way. However, if you have struggled with fertility, it means that there are issues bigger than those prenatal vitamins can solve for you. For instance, you may have a problem with high levels of acid in cervical mucus which kills sperm travelling to fertilize the egg. Prenatal vitamins don't come close to addressing an issue like this.

Myth #2: Holding in Semen After Intercourse Will Increase Chances of Getting Pregnant

Fact: This is probably the most frequently heard myths regarding home remedies for getting pregnant. The fact is, whether you hold in semen for 2 minutes or 2 days is inconsequential. Sperm can survive in the body for up to 5 days. Once they are in, they're in and are trying to find an egg to fertilize. You holding semen in for too long could actually hurt you because it can cause a urinary tract infection, which leads to antibiotics to clear the UTI and ultimately ruin your chances for conceiving that month.

Myth #3: Having Sex Everyday Increase Odds of Pregnancy

Fact: Although a healthy sex life definitely increases chances of pregnancy, it is a wide held myth that having intercourse every day will result in pregnancy. As a matter of fact, too much sex can actually decrease pregnancy odds. Sounds strange, doesn't it? It is recommended that you have sex every other day, or take a two night break before ovulation. This is beneficial because after a two or even three night break the sex will be more intense, which means more cervical mucus, and more potent sperm from your partner.

Obviously there are more myths and literature on overcoming infertility naturally. The types of foods you eat, lifestyle you live, make up you wear, shampoo and cleaning supplies you use, types of exercises and physical activity, and the types of vitamins you take all have a hand in you winning your fight against infertility.

Fertility is basically an easy process; the sperm fertilizes the egg. The reasons why it doesn't happen are immense. Arm yourself with knowledge of your body and reproductive system and what makes it stronger or weaker and you will be amazed at how fast you can win your battle.

Although we look to modern medicine as the saving grace for all of our ills, infertility is not an illness and most conventional means are not meant to correct issues with infertility.? Infertility is totally reversible, if you know what to look for.? Pills and injections do not naturally correct hormonal or reproductive issues that are preventing the body from preparing itself for pregnancy.? Home remedies for pregnancy are proven techniques used for centuries throughout most cultures on the planet.?


Helpful Tips on How to Get Pregnant Fast

There are several couples, which are trying to build their own family but fail because of fertilization issues. There have been many factors that are connected with the failure of fertilization. It might be because of the woman who suffers low progesterone level, endometriosis, ovulation problems and a lot more.

Prior to doing any natural methods in order to get pregnant fast, you have to go to your physician for consultation first; do not do anything without the advice of any medical practitioner, for that matter. There are still no alternatives for medicines that are science based which your physician may provide you, even if you hear of the effectiveness of those alternatives.

The following is some obvious means how to get pregnant fast:

You have to live in a healthful lifestyle and eat healthy food. Living a healthy lifestyle is that you have o quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol and to lessen the intake of caffeine. You must also do some exercises at least two times a day.

You must also consider tracking your monthly menstrual period. You have to maintain a record of the temperature of your vagina, and you must as well take note of the mucus that gets out of your cervix. You can make use also of the "Ovulation Calculator" method; this calculator is very accurate.

Ovulation is the period when a full-grown egg or ovum is discharged in the uterus after the elevation in the Luteinizing Hormone levels. This normally occurs on the 14th day when the woman has the regular twenty eight-day cycle of menstrual flow. For those women who do not have the regular 28 day cycle, divide the exact in days in the series by 2, and then you have to append an allowance of 1 or 2 days in order to arrive at the projected day of ovulating. The calculation does not apply to all women, and it is not an accurate science; therefore, it is not reliable.

During ovulation the mature egg or ovum that is released is full-grown for fertilization and set for conception. The egg has a short existence only. Its life span stays for twelve hours only then it will start to begin to disintegrate. The finest day to get pregnant fast is during the ovulation period.

Another factor how to get pregnant fast is the position during sexual intercourse. Several couples attest that the missionary position is very effective and successful. When you do the missionary position of sexual intercourse, the sperm of the man gets closer to the egg or ovum of the woman, and so it can be able to fertilize it better and easier.
Medical assistance or help is suited better to assist women to become pregnant. Science based medication is proven to be the most excellent chance for you to have a baby. It is also good to attempt the natural or holistic methods. You can be sure always if you consult the doctor first.


Help Getting Pregnant - Top 10 Tips and Things to Avoid

If you are looking for help getting pregnant then I must say that you are on right place as this article is going to be an immense help for you. We will specifically discuss here the top 10 tips and the things you should avoid in your life, in order to get pregnant fast. After reading this article, you will become more knowledgeable about getting pregnant easily.

But, why you actually need any tips to become pregnant?

It's a hard reality that almost 50 percent couples are suffering through some or other sort of infertility issues. For them, it is really important to know the dos and don'ts of getting pregnant fast. They may feel that certain things in their life are normal but don't know that they are contributing to their infertility problem.

So, here are the top 10 tips and things you should care about:

1. Be Happy in Your Life - Yes, this is the number one tip to become pregnant fast. You can do daily meditations which will eventually increases your chances to be happy by having more control over yourself.

2. Avoid Stress - We all know that stress is now become an integral part of our day to day life. However, we can reduce it up to some extent by doing fitness exercises as well as by doing yoga.

3. Know your most fertile period - You should always be aware about your most fertile period which mostly comes in the middle of your end of last period and start date of your period.

4. Enhance your diet - you should take care of your diet to increase the chances of getting pregnant fast. Many doctors actually suggest taking folic acid to make you ready for pregnancy.

5. Enjoyment during love - Researchers have proved that if you enjoy your lovemaking experience then your chances are more to become pregnant easily. So, make your partner comfortable and discuss about your pleasure points.

6. Avoid unnatural treatments - At first, you should avoid any unnatural means of getting pregnant. This may damage your body in the longer term as well as can harm your baby in case of pregnancy.

7. Discuss with your doctor - It is a possibility that there is a biological problem either in you or in your spouse. You should always examine yourself by a professional doctor.

8. Use supplements - You should also take some supplements to fulfill the demand of iron, protein and vitamins of your body. In many cases, it has been seen that a healthy body have better chance to become pregnant fast.

9. Avoid cigarette - You should also avoid taking coffee as well as smoking. Researchers have also found that these things have resulted in reduction of the sperm count as well as the chances of being pregnant.

10. Be realistic - If you have tried and not successful till now, then you should not feel frustrated just after few efforts. You should be realistic and understand this fact that this is not an overnight process.

I am quite confident that these tips and list of things which you should avoid will help you in getting pregnant fast. Feel free to share these tips to your friends and relatives to help them.



Handling Conception Problems

Pregnancy is not a problem, for most couples however for some; it is the effects and tension on the couple which can take its toll. In this stage, couples require an expert's opinion to set things in a new way. Some fine experts like IVF and infertility can help you with their best suggestions.

Children are really the gift of nature for the parents, and that is why many pray to have them soon. But reality is more dominant than imagination, many couples get hopeless as they kept on trying but got defeated in the end. They tried since much time but they are not able to reach to a fine conceiving, as nature have its own plan for everyone. But on the other side, many pairs have faced the problems with courage and succeeded in the end. You can see many who use to say that they will never have a child and they had one? Fertility is not that hard but the thing is that you have to stick to some important measures on each stage of fertility.

There are two sections, by which you can stand face to face with the conceiving problems. Developments in medicine and science have also brought some modern solutions for the conceiving problems. But natural ways are up on top, as they are and will remain up to date forever.

Smoking for the couple is strictly prohibited by the doctors and expert, smoking is the cause of some severe troubles in the future. Smoking intrudes nicotine into the body which directly affects the ovaries. All these conditions cause extensive fertility problems.

Keep your eyes open when it is about your weight. An average normal weight is advisable to avoid future abnormal effects. Women with average weight prove to be more fertile than the ones who are overweight or those who are too skinny.

Balanced diet is another factor that maintains your health, and feeds the requirement of fine conceiving. You can make research and studies on internet, even there are books and guides available that can sort you out with some suitable diet plan.

Mental peace is very much important; do not stress yourself with any thing. Keep the right sleeping schedule, a right sleeping schedule would be six to eight hours. Try to maintain a consistent sleep, it will keep you mentally fresh and stress free all the time you are awake.

Proper healthcare is an essential element to get rid of the conceiving problems. If you are having sickness or high temperatures try to avoid taking heavy doses of antibiotics which people often prefer when they are feeling unwell. Do not take any medicine that can affect your health without the advice of your doctor. If you are having any kind of sickness or membrane problem just look forward to your doctor's advice. Doctors provide you with the right choice of medicines.

If all these tips are exercised, it will bring a natural plan to deal will the coming conceiving problems.


Getting to Sleep While Pregnant

Though we all assume that the sleep deprivation comes after the baby is born, it can actually come during the pregnancy. No matter what trimester you are in, there will be changes in your body and mind that will definitely affect your sleep. Here we discuss a little further:

First Trimester -
During the first trimester you will have things such as morning sickness, cramps, and frequent trips to the bathroom and other reasons that keep you up at night.

Third Trimester -
When the third trimester rolls around most women will have frequent trips to the bathroom, body cramps and the anxiety of pre-labor jitters. Though this is entirely normal, it is not fun for the woman that is trying to get a little shut-eye.

Tips to Help You Sleep-
No matter what trimester you are in, if you are having trouble sleeping, it is best to do whatever you can to not stress over it. Stress will only cause further sleep deprivation. Other ideas to help you sleep are:
• Taking a warm bath before bed.
• Omitting any caffeine (including chocolate and soda) after 12:00pm.
• Try eating a small snack before bed to ward off midnight hunger pains.
• Get enough exercise throughout the day to ensure that your body is healthy and ready for sleep.
• Try relaxation techniques or doing yoga in the evenings.
• Open the window for some fresh air and a little cooling while you are trying to sleep.
• Limit the amount of water you drink in the evening so that your bladder is not overworked.


Get Pregnant Naturally In Less Than 5 Days - Possible?

With all of the complaints from couples and individuals about their troubles in conceiving, more and more aspiring parents are getting discouraged and disheartened with this undertaking. If you're one of the people looking forward to get pregnant naturally, you have to know that this isn't the case for everyone. With the right techniques and measures, you can have kids without a fuss. Some folks have even done it in just five days.

The main trick here is to do the right tricks. You see, there is a good number of great techniques that can help you get pregnant naturally without having to work too hard on it.

If you're curious just what these things are, here's a short list that may prove useful for this purpose:

1. Get in shape. In order to accommodate another human being inside your body, you have to be in an ideal shape for it. Most people think that they can get pregnant, even if they're not exactly the healthiest, and this is true. However, if you want to do it quickly, you have to at least get your body ready for the task. Sure, you can get pregnant even without altering your diet or changing your lifestyle, but that won't make things easy and fast.

2. Plan the whole thing. If you want to successfully conceive in just a couple of days, you have to plan it wisely. The timing should be impeccable, for one, because there's a time in a month where it is the most ideal to get pregnant. This period is the same time when the female is the most fertile.

Aside from the timing, you should also know which sex positions are the most ideal. Yes, some styles are more effective in getting pregnant than others, mostly for the fact that these will allow deeper penetration, which in turn, will help deposit the sperm nearer the cervix.

3. Stop your nasty habits. To better pick up the pace, make sure to quit your bad habits in advance. This includes smoking, doing prohibited drugs, stressing yourself out, and tiring yourself too much. These things tend to hinder your body's natural processes, making it also harder for you to get pregnant. By stopping all of these at once, your body can be in a better shape than before, allowing you to successfully conceive easier.

Although, most of what is mentioned above is meant to be done in advance and the second technique is the only thing that really counts for the five-day period, you can be assured that if you do these things correctly, you won't have any other problems in conceiving. You can get pregnant naturally and quickly if you want to, but you have to know what you should do to pull it off effectively.


Five Things To Buy In The January Sales If You're Pregnant

Christmas is a fantastic time of year and for all expectant Mums around the world, it's made all that more special when you realise that the next Christmas you'll see will be spent with a little one in tow.

Although you've no doubt started to buy baby products already, there are some absolute gems and bargains you can get in the January sales, especially if you can plan and prepare for the future and the following five products are all recommended to try and be picked up in the January sales.

1. Baby stroller - with so many different baby strollers currently on the market, from small and tidy models for use when travelling right through to 3-in-1 models that seem to have more features than your car, the masses of choice can be great for some, but too intimidating for others.

Head to the January sales and you're likely to see a number of baby strollers reduced, particularly 'last year's models' if you're looking at the high end ranges. What you have to keep in mind here is that whilst there may be a new version of the stroller out, the one that was popular just a few months ago is still likely to be perfect for your baby.

2. Clothes - simply put, you want to go out and buy clothes for when your little one is older. Not when they're a newborn or not even when they're a few months old - you'll be bombarded with these clothes as gifts.

3. Toys - most stores stock up with extra products at Christmas, most notably toy stores. Whilst you might not find a great deal of money taken off the toys of the moment, if you're looking for baby toys, you should be able to take advantage of some great offers.

4. Christmas decorations - OK, so they're not baby products, but the last thing you'll want to be doing come next Christmas is trawling around the shops picking up Christmas decorations when you have a baby in their stroller with all of their belongings with you.

Plus, as Christmas is an occasion that only happens once a year, most stores will be almost giving their Christmas stock away in January.

5. Something for yourself - as blooming as you may look when pregnant, there's no doubt that every expectant mother goes through a stage where they feel tired and worn out.

With prices on most items heavily reduced, treat yourself to a little something in the sales - chances are it will give you the perk that you need.

Being pregnant is fantastic, but it can also leave you feeling stressed and without enough hours in the day to get everything done. Start now, take advantage of the January sales and by the time you're little one is born, you should be a whole lot more organised that you ever thought you would be.


Fastest Way to Get Pregnant Naturally and Can It Help Me?

So you are looking for the fastest way to get pregnant naturally? I can safety assume that you have heard about the birds and the bees and realise that sexual intercourse is the best bet, but lets look a bit deeper and see if we can uncover the secrets to getting pregnant the fastest way possible.

If you are reading this article there is a big possibility that you are in the unfortunate position of finding it hard to conceive. There are literally millions of women around the globe that are currently having this exact problem. Unfortunately a lot of the medical advice that is currently being given to these women isn't exactly heaping the situation. There are lots of natural secrets and tricks that the majority of the community is simply forgetting about. Before you go down the medical road make sure you are doing the simple things first because lest face it going to the doctor and getting some fertility drugs is definitely not going to be the fastest way to get pregnant and its definitely not natural!

So how can you achieve the dream of starting your own family in the shortest amount of time possible? What are the so called natural secrets that can assure that you are giving your self the best opportunity to conceive?

The Fastest Way to Get Pregnant naturally - Secret Tips!
Ovulation CycleMake sure you pay close attention to your ovulation cycle but most importantly make sure you understand how it works and how you can use it to your advantage. If you currently aren't making use of your ovulation cycle then there are plenty of ways you can find out more information about it. Without doubt this is the single most underrated technique or 'pregnancy secret'. There are certain times during the month that will be much more likely to generate success its up to you to make sure you know when these times are and take advantage of them. If you are looking for the fastest ways to get pregnant naturally then this is definitely the place to start. DietMake sure you body is receiving all the nutrients and hydration that it requires to get pregnant. Like I said earlier there are many simple things that people forget to do. Just because they are simple doesn't mean that they aren't extremely important! Exercise and StressKeeping your body active and keeping your stress levels down will create a much healthier body and in turn dramatically increase your chances of conceiving quickly and naturally. Don't underestimate these tips just because they are simple. Too many people these days are looking for the quick fix - be prepared to do the hard yards and you will be incredibly pleased with the results! And with a little bit of luck you will be a walking advertisement for the fact that these little tips really are the fastest way to get pregnant naturally - maybe then you can write an article just like this explaining how you were able to succeed and get pregnant naturally.

Are you Having Trouble Trying to get Pregnant?

Finding real pregnancy expert with proven results can be very hard. If you want to read the exact methods that I have based my whole pregnancy philosophy on then I would love to share them with you. This is where I learned all the fastest way to get pregnant naturally tips that I have shared today.
Pregnancy Miracle is the only 'how to get pregnant' resource that I have purchased and not asked for a refund. Incredible information with a spectacular success rate - I would love to see your success story amongst all the others!


Eating Healthy While Pregnant on a Tight Budget

If you are on a tight budget, the new pregnancy diet certainly will not help. Though eating healthy for everyone is a good thing, when you are on a tight budget eating healthy can be a task in itself. Though that extra cost may be a scary thing to face, there are some ways you can make it a little less damaging to your monthly grocery bill. Here we discuss a few tips that can help you save on your monthly grocery spending, but still get the healthy diet you need for yourself and your baby.

*Instead of purchasing name brands, try purchasing store brands or other generic brands. More often than not a store brand is a name brand item in hiding.

*Instead of eating out, bring your lunch and snacks to work.

*Try purchasing items in bulk rather than individually. Always ensure, however, that you can get through the items you purchase before they go bad.

*Select water over juice and soda. Water is not only cheaper, but something your baby and you need on a daily basis.

*Instead of purchasing microwave dinners, look into making your own and freezing them ahead of time.

*Try cooking things like oatmeal or making your own salad dressing rather than eating pre-made varieties.

Though a pregnancy diet can be brutal on a budget, it does not have to be devastating. By planning ahead and being just a little bit savvy with your funds, you can have a healthy pregnancy diet that will not break the bank.



Eat Up Mama! A Quick Look At Nourishment in Pregnancy

It is my firm belief that nutrition is the most important factor in predicting how well a pregnancy will go, and how both you and your baby will fare. This may seem obvious, but I have lived the medical mainstream pregnancy and I can tell you (or maybe you can tell me!) that this is not common knowledge in that world.

Now, in much of the slightly alternative pregnancy/birthing world, that is not the case. In my first pregnancy (which was OB-hospital based) not one person, ever, who was caring for me, asked what I put in my mouth on a daily basis. For my third pregnancy I had the people who were caring for me asking all of the time! I filled out diet sheets, counted protein, kept tabs on my blood sugar-it doesn't have to be even that complicated, but if you haven't thought about exactly what you need and why to grow a healthy baby, here it is!

Here's a very amazing pregnancy fact: by the time you are about 28 weeks pregnant, your body will have made 50% more blood!! This extra blood allows your baby and placenta to grow, so that there is enough blood to bathe the placenta, without neglecting your needs as well. The catch is this: your body can only manufacture this extra blood with enough protein and calories. That's about 2,500 calories a day (yes, really!) and anywhere between 70-100 grams of protein daily. It is a lot of food, I agree. But if the food you eat is from whole, healthy, food sources then you will be providing your body with the fuel it needs.

And here's another little known fact: the protein and calories are supremely important, but your body also needs salt in the right proportions to help with this expanding blood volume. Good quality salt, like sea salt, is a pregnant woman's friend because it can help keep blood pressure and swelling down, while providing just the right fluid balance in your body. So, salt your food to taste and balance it out with enough fresh water to drink-about 1 quart per 50 lbs. of body weight.

So, what are the risks if you don't eat this way? It varies from woman to woman, but anything from pre-eclampsia/toxemia, preterm birth to poor fetal growth to placental abruptions are possible. The good news is that providing your pregnant body with exactly what it needs puts you so much less at risk for all of these kind of complications, which unfortunately are pretty common. So, even if your doctor isn't asking you what you're eating, you can keep track yourself and just get a feel for what you consume on a normal day. Nobody's perfect, but even the "best" eaters usually find some room for improvement. Most importantly, you should feel a positive difference from eating this way relatively soon. Eat up, mama!


Answer To Conception Problems

Every woman of this world keeps the wish of giving birth to a child. It is just a natural dream for every woman to become a mother and have an infant, whom she could call her child. But due to some unfortunate and complicated cases like chronic cysts, and endometriosis, most of the mothers are left abandoned with this dream. This problem of many unfortunate mothers has been answered by IVF and infertility experts. They have been coming with some better solutions and cure for the problem.

It has been seen that several women face a severe pain in the normal periods of their child's birth. They find it so painful that it is almost impossible to bear this stage. It is all because they are having some serious complications, which require urgent experts and doctors' opinion.

For any women, giving birth to a newborn sunshine is really the most precious thing in the world. However, at the time of conceiving many women face a lot of pain and problem with their child's birth, it is not actually the mother's intention but it is just that they require some expert suggestion.

First and the foremost question would be how long the mother has been trying to conceive. They will take some physical check up, both of the mother and her husband, and see if there is any problem. Experts will also suggest some good and fresh diet plan with regular training patterns. And they will also try to figure out the causes of pain, if it is more than enough or intolerable for the mother.

On the side, some tests would be on advised for man. This is done to find out if there are any issues like low sperm or presence of circles in the sperm which become the cause of low life cells in the future. Tests are also meant to check whether the sperm count is proper to give life to the cells or not.

It becomes a struggling time for the mother as she would have to go with some severe pain. To check the size and pattern of her fallopian tubes, she has to face an urgent surgery. The tubes could be found blocked because of the presence of some past complication. And if any sign of blockage is found then the movement of eggs towards the womb becomes impossible. The tubes are widened and stretched to heal with the blockage. But in many cases the eggs are cleaned and are fertilized externally with the body. It is by this process, many women have gone with successful conceiving.

Research of many years has made it possible especially for the unfortunate women to have easy conceiving. The delight for the mothers has returned, as natural ways of conceiving have brought them to make their dreams of child come true. It is good news for most mothers who have been hoping for some miracle and here comes the miracle. Now, they can wish to have a baby naturally.


5 Tips to Get Pregnant Now

Although, pregnancy can be planned, you really can't tell when exactly you'll get pregnant. This is why this occurrence has always been a surprise for everyone. However, you can easily try your best to successfully conceive.

Now, if you're one of those people trying to do things carefully and well planned out, you may want to know what the best tips to get pregnant are. Luckily, you don't need to go see a doctor for this anymore, as tons of information is now available online.

To help you out in this undertaking, here's a short list of the top 5 tips to get pregnant now.

1. Get in the right shape.

If you really want to get pregnant, you better do it correctly. Being in a good physical condition can ensure you that your systems will function correctly and that you can be able to have a healthy pregnancy. These two are very important, as you will want the best for your little one.

To do this, make sure to eat a balanced diet, exercise, and stop all of your nasty habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. This way, you can restore the ideal shape of your body, which will then be a great place to start for a baby.

2. Eat fertility food.

Boosting your fertility can do wonders for your attempts at pregnancy. These food items can help you carve your body into a more ideal place for the development of the embryo and for a tiny human being. They are also well known to make the process happen easier and faster.

3. Do the deed during your most fertile days.

There are days that are most ideal for you to try having a baby, all thanks to the calendar the female's ovulation cycle sticks with. Make sure to do it when you are the most fertile, meaning the same time frame when your ovum is located at a spot in the reproductive system where it is easy to reach by the sperm and can still be held back in case the fertilization happens. Doing it around this time makes the whole set up more ideal, as there won't the possibility of the sperm dying.

4. Do it using the most ideal sex positions.

If you want to successfully get pregnant, this is the most important thing you need to remember of the 5 tips to get pregnant now. Go for positions that will allow deep penetration. These will, in turn, make it possible for the sperm to get deposited near the egg, making the whole process easier for everything involved.

5. Absolutely avoid getting stressed out.

Stress is a big enemy for people who want to get pregnant. This is mostly because of the negative effects it put on the body, making it difficult to function properly and correctly. So, make sure to avoid getting stressed at all costs.

Stick with these 5 tips to get pregnant, and you'll surely have an easy time starting the family you want to have soon.


5 Days To Get Pregnant Are All It Takes

Although, a lot of people find it difficult to conceive, it is completely possible to only take a couple of days to get pregnant. However, a good amount of preparation would be required to pull this off, so you better be ready to take not of a couple of things.

Generally, you can really get pregnant within just a couple of days. This can be a very ideal thing, especially since most couples who have decided to have kids normally want to have it as soon as possible. Any kind of delay causes panic and worry in these crowds, so being able to do it quickly is always the best thing possible.

But how can you successfully conceive within just a week? The key here is to prepare. By taking actions in advance, before actually doing the deed and trying for a baby, you can ensure that you'll get knocked up quickly.

So, what are these techniques you need to learn in order to become prepared? Here's a short list that you may find useful:

1. Get off the pill

As soon as you've started thinking about having a child, make sure to stop taking oral contraceptives altogether. This way, you won't need to wait for months just so your system can be all geared up for carrying a little angel on your womb.

2. Start getting healthy

In order to ensure a pregnancy, you have to be in the right weight. Going under or over your ideal body mass wouldn't make it easy for you to conceive, so make sure to deal with this possible issue before trying anything out.

Quitting smoking is also an important factor in getting in a healthier shape, so make sure to do this as well. You can also start exercising and eating a balanced diet at the same time.

3. Take vitamins

Sure, some people will already have this in mind when told to get healthier, but it is always important to take a good note of this task as well. Increase your immune system's defense by taking vitamin supplements and enhance your fertility by taking folic acid for starters.

These are just the preliminary things you need to do when you only want to take 5 days to get pregnant. These measures will get you in the right shape, which can in turn, help you conceive faster. Once you've already managed to do all of these, you can now start taking the fast techniques like eating fertility food and doing the most ideal sex positions for conception.

Once you've got everything covered already, you'll have an easier time in fulfilling your quest to only take five days to get pregnant. Just avoid stressing out too much about it, though, because that could hinder the process instead of help it.


4 How to Become Pregnant Tips

Are you looking for some How to become pregnant tips? There are many women in the world who struggle to conceive a babe and I can't tell you how much pain and agony this can cause. Unfortunately many people get the wrong advice and are often encouraged into medical treatment too early. Hopefully this article can talk you through some good ideas that you can implement and help you start a family sooner rather than later.

Apart from the obvious there are a number of great tips and techniques that you can put into place in order to help you have a baby.

How to Become Pregnant Tips

#1 Just like all the best football coaches say "take things one week at a time". Getting pregnant is not a process that can or should be rushed. Whilst you all want to get pregnant yesterday it can sometimes take a while to happen. Stressing about not being pregnant certainly wont' help your cause.

#2 Rather than worrying about creating a baby why not focus the attention on your bodies health? Lots of people say when they have a baby they will start eating healthy foods or give up smoking or drinking. Why not start doing some of these things today? You might ask "how can this help me have a baby"? The answer is easily! Having a healthy body is a great starting point for successfully conceiving. Many reports have shown that healthy people are much more fertile. Plus the fact that if you are bringing a new human into your world surely you want to be in good health to make sure you can spend as much time with them as possible?

#3 Keep note of your ovulation cycle and take advantage of the times when you are at your most fertile. Most women ovulate 14 days before their period so if you keep track of your cycle you should be able to find roughly when this is each month. You might also want to take this one step further and use your bodies temperature to gauge when you are ovulating. This technique requires a bit more skill and effort but it can be very successful.

#4 Have fun and remember that there is no right or wrong time to become pregnant. Knowing how to become pregnant is definitely not something that can be easily predicted. Have regular sexual intercourse (this can increase your partners sperm count) and try to stay happy and stress free.

Are you Having Trouble Trying to get Pregnant?

Finding real pregnancy expert with proven results can be very hard. If you want to read the exact methods that I have based my whole pregnancy philosophy on then I would love to share them with you. Here is the best How to Become Pregnant Tip that I've seen.

Pregnancy Miracle is the only 'how to get pregnant' resource that I have purchased and not asked for a refund. Incredible information with a spectacular success rate - I would love to see your success story amongst all the others!



Having A Baby At 40 Is Extremely Possible - Learn The Strategies To Make It Happen!

Are you about to have your 40th birthday and want to get pregnant? Don't panic because these days it is highly feasible for a woman in her forties to get pregnant and have a healthy baby.

Doctors may tell you different because there is still a belief by many that once a woman reaches a certain age she is no longer capable of conceiving. Many doctors will suggest donor eggs as a possibility but before you give up on getting pregnant because you are in early menopause check out these effective strategies for getting pregnant at 40.

This is because a woman is born with all the reproductive eggs she will ever need and by the time she is in her early forties her ovarian reserve ( amount of eggs) may be getting low. At the age of 37 a woman may have 27,000 eggs left compared to the 3 to 4 hundred thousand she may have started out with. But as long as there are eggs a woman can get pregnant.

When a woman is 40 there are less days in her menstrual cycle when she is able to get pregnant. Some women do not ovulate every month after the age of 37 so it is important to check out your own unique pattern of ovulation. This can be done 3 months before you try to conceive by charting a calendar. This can be very helpful when trying to determine your most fertile days.

As women's eggs are always the same age she is there can be a problem with defects. Trying to conceive on the peak day of ovulation is the correct time in order for a freshly released egg to combine with newly released sperm. Stop having intercourse for 3 to 4 days before you are about to ovulate.

This is also to assist your male partner men in building up his sperm count so that the day before ovulation his sperm production and quality will be at its peak.

This system of trying to get pregnant at 40 is proven to be highly effective and very simple. Many women who had been with IVF programs for some time got pregnant by following these very simple guidelines.

While trying to get pregnant.

Eat a healthy diet of fruit and vegetables and take supplements such as folic acid, selenium and zinc. Vitamins will need to be added as women can deplete them with age. B-complex plus B6 for six months will boost fertility as well as vitamins C and E. These supplements are necessary to help prevent spina bifida (malformation of a baby's spine and genetic abnormalities in the unborn baby.

Exercise is essential in order for rich, oxygenated blood to nourish the ovaries and eggs. A male's sperm production and quality can also be greatly increased by regular exercise.

Stress can tip the delicate balance of a woman's reproductive hormones causing her to miss periods and the shutdown of her reproductive system. Finding ways to relax is essential when trying to get pregnant.

DO NOT smoke or drink alcohol when trying to conceive as it reduces fertility and will harm your baby. Also abstain from drinks or foods that contain caffeine (coffee coke, chocolate).

Avoid products within your home that contain harmful chemicals, as they will cause infertility issues. The following household items often contain poisons that threaten fertility.

Soap, toothpaste, canned foods, carpets detergents and pesticides to name a few.

Read the labels in the supermarket which generally provide the information you will need. Some have signs such as warning or danger. Avoid those for they will harm you and your baby.

If your doctor has tried to convince you that you're reproductive days are over be assured that women 40 plus are getting pregnant the world over.


Have PCOS? - Get Pregnant Naturally by Listening to Your Body

The diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be a crushing blow for many women, especially so for those wanting to start a family. It can mean a long and emotionally draining road ahead of fertility treatment, failed attempts and heartbreak, not to mention the considerable expense. Any hope of a 'cure' isn't acknowledged by experts and should conventional methods of fertility treatment fail, many women are left with a childless future.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is just as it sounds. Cysts form on the ovaries where the eggs should emerge. This encapsulates the egg trapping it inside preventing it from being released and travelling down the fallopian tube to be fertilized. Aside from preventing pregnancy these cysts can cause pain, discomfort and lead to unnecessary surgery to have the cysts removed. Some women have had cysts up to 12cm in diameter - that's the size of an orange.

Medication and surgery have long been the mainstay of the medical profession with mixed results. While some treatments may indeed help some fortunate women become pregnant, women with PCOS will have more difficulty carrying full term. Other symptoms that cause just as much emotional distress such as excess weight, excess facial and body hair, lethargy, acne are not as easily eliminated. These are just the visual symptoms, women with PCOS are also more likely to suffer from type II diabetes and heart problems later in life.

Up until recently the prognosis has seemed very bleak for eliminating PCOS and conceiving naturally. Thankfully, many women have taken their health into their own hands and began listening to their bodies and began making lifestyle and dietary changes that have had dramatic and permanent results. Thousands of women once unable to conceive naturally have through implementing easy step by step changes been able to regulate their menstrual cycles, rid themselves of acne and excess hair and all their symptoms of PCOS - permanently. Those who wished to have children have become pregnant without expensive fertility treatment and become mothers to healthy, bouncing babies.

These women are not numbered in the few, they are in the thousands - all had the same symptoms, all followed the same rules, all had the same dramatic results. If you suffer from PCOS, now matter for how long, you can also achieve the same results by following the same lifestyle plan at the Polycystic Ovaries Diet Plan.



Best iPhone Pregnancy Apps for Mom and Dad

I admit that I'm sort of a geek also. . but not extremely geeky to the extend of wearing geeky glasses and holding laptop wherever I go. I'm an Application Support Engineer with also a background of Software Engineering so I do honestly loves anything to do with computers and technology gadgets. Me and my wife we both own an iPhone and today I thought of sharing a couple of applications for iPhone that we personally uses and some others as well for all future/current expecting parents. So here we go. (I personally have them all on my iPhone as well).

1. iPregnancy - This app is one of the famous and most recommended app for pregnancy. I personally use this with also Baby Bump which I will cover next. This app is really extensive and very useful. You can have all your baby information in there as well as your Obstetrician visits information, reminder, important contact numbers, storing baby names suggestions, week to week information for you to know on the pregnancy (General), and you can also share your information to Facebook & Twitter. The only downside for me is the interface is kind of plain and lack the 'baby theme' that's all but it generally does what it's suppose to do. You can't expect much (in terms of design) when it's coming from a pediatrician.

2. Baby Bump - What I like most about baby bump other than the usual must-have functions is the interface and also the theme of the app, It really captures the true nature of the app. It has week to week information on pregnancy, journal, photo album, kick counter, contractions, database of baby names, and one feature called 'Birth' where in there you can set your birth plan, newborn essentials checklist, and also a neat feature of 'Birth Announcement' where as soon as your baby is born you can set all the details (name, weight, gender, D. O. B, length) and send the 'Announcement' by email, twitter, and also Facebook. I really recommend this app!!

Preconception Apps

1. iPeriod - For those planning to have baby or just keeping your period information, this is one of the apps that my wife uses.

2. Period Tracker - Another apps for the ladies out there which is also used by my wife. We use it both to keep track on her period and also for us to keep track on the best date to try an conceive.


7 Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms a Father Should Know

I'm going to share with you today on 7 signs of pregnancy and symptoms in hope it will be useful to couples who plan to have a baby. Why I'm saying this is that, it is more to precautions to not overdo yourself after knowing that you're pregnant to avoid miscarriage or worse, this goes to the partner also, It's good to be alert especially if you're planning. I've heard a lot of miscarriage stories because they didn't realize that they were pregnant. So for those planning to get pregnant, this would be a good read. This list is derived from my wife's symptoms when she get pregnant. To all the daddy's out there, this is a very good information for you to take note of.

1. Fatigue/Exhaustion
This normally happens on the early stages of pregnancy and also towards the end. The cheerful and energetic wife of mine became weak and easily exhausted.

2. Missed Period
This is a very obvious sign for those on a regular period cycle but not in the case of irregular period cycle like my wife. It's best to avoid any physical activities once you've passed your regular period cycle to be safe.

3. Heartburn & Gastric
This happens to my wife right now and I can tell you that it's not an easy feeling looking at your wife having the pain due to the higher amount of acid in the stomach. The enlargement of the uterus puts pressure on the stomach causing acid build-up. This can be avoided by drinking milk and avoiding spicy and oily food.

4. Frequent Urination
Enlargement of the uterus not only puts pressure on stomach but also the bladder causing the feel of going more often.

5. Soreness of the Breasts
Although this sign is also very common for an impending period but the soreness in this case is caused by the tissue changes preparing for pregnancy. You will also experience the breast became larger and the nipple will become bigger and darker.

6. Strange Cravings
Yup..I'm having more Chicken Rice now than ever in my entire life due to my wife's craving of it. Strange cravings for food is also a very normal sign of pregnancy.

7. Dizziness
This is because of the low blood pressure due to pregnancy, it do become worse at times if you are having the symptoms even when you're not pregnant like my wife.

So guys...that's 7 of the signs and symptoms that you can look into while planning. Remember future daddies, DO NOT allow your partner to do heavy physical works when they're pregnant, keep them happy & smiling all the time, be there when they need you, and do your share of house chores;-) Happy Planning!