Having A Baby At 40 Is Extremely Possible - Learn The Strategies To Make It Happen!

Are you about to have your 40th birthday and want to get pregnant? Don't panic because these days it is highly feasible for a woman in her forties to get pregnant and have a healthy baby.

Doctors may tell you different because there is still a belief by many that once a woman reaches a certain age she is no longer capable of conceiving. Many doctors will suggest donor eggs as a possibility but before you give up on getting pregnant because you are in early menopause check out these effective strategies for getting pregnant at 40.

This is because a woman is born with all the reproductive eggs she will ever need and by the time she is in her early forties her ovarian reserve ( amount of eggs) may be getting low. At the age of 37 a woman may have 27,000 eggs left compared to the 3 to 4 hundred thousand she may have started out with. But as long as there are eggs a woman can get pregnant.

When a woman is 40 there are less days in her menstrual cycle when she is able to get pregnant. Some women do not ovulate every month after the age of 37 so it is important to check out your own unique pattern of ovulation. This can be done 3 months before you try to conceive by charting a calendar. This can be very helpful when trying to determine your most fertile days.

As women's eggs are always the same age she is there can be a problem with defects. Trying to conceive on the peak day of ovulation is the correct time in order for a freshly released egg to combine with newly released sperm. Stop having intercourse for 3 to 4 days before you are about to ovulate.

This is also to assist your male partner men in building up his sperm count so that the day before ovulation his sperm production and quality will be at its peak.

This system of trying to get pregnant at 40 is proven to be highly effective and very simple. Many women who had been with IVF programs for some time got pregnant by following these very simple guidelines.

While trying to get pregnant.

Eat a healthy diet of fruit and vegetables and take supplements such as folic acid, selenium and zinc. Vitamins will need to be added as women can deplete them with age. B-complex plus B6 for six months will boost fertility as well as vitamins C and E. These supplements are necessary to help prevent spina bifida (malformation of a baby's spine and genetic abnormalities in the unborn baby.

Exercise is essential in order for rich, oxygenated blood to nourish the ovaries and eggs. A male's sperm production and quality can also be greatly increased by regular exercise.

Stress can tip the delicate balance of a woman's reproductive hormones causing her to miss periods and the shutdown of her reproductive system. Finding ways to relax is essential when trying to get pregnant.

DO NOT smoke or drink alcohol when trying to conceive as it reduces fertility and will harm your baby. Also abstain from drinks or foods that contain caffeine (coffee coke, chocolate).

Avoid products within your home that contain harmful chemicals, as they will cause infertility issues. The following household items often contain poisons that threaten fertility.

Soap, toothpaste, canned foods, carpets detergents and pesticides to name a few.

Read the labels in the supermarket which generally provide the information you will need. Some have signs such as warning or danger. Avoid those for they will harm you and your baby.

If your doctor has tried to convince you that you're reproductive days are over be assured that women 40 plus are getting pregnant the world over.


Have PCOS? - Get Pregnant Naturally by Listening to Your Body

The diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be a crushing blow for many women, especially so for those wanting to start a family. It can mean a long and emotionally draining road ahead of fertility treatment, failed attempts and heartbreak, not to mention the considerable expense. Any hope of a 'cure' isn't acknowledged by experts and should conventional methods of fertility treatment fail, many women are left with a childless future.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is just as it sounds. Cysts form on the ovaries where the eggs should emerge. This encapsulates the egg trapping it inside preventing it from being released and travelling down the fallopian tube to be fertilized. Aside from preventing pregnancy these cysts can cause pain, discomfort and lead to unnecessary surgery to have the cysts removed. Some women have had cysts up to 12cm in diameter - that's the size of an orange.

Medication and surgery have long been the mainstay of the medical profession with mixed results. While some treatments may indeed help some fortunate women become pregnant, women with PCOS will have more difficulty carrying full term. Other symptoms that cause just as much emotional distress such as excess weight, excess facial and body hair, lethargy, acne are not as easily eliminated. These are just the visual symptoms, women with PCOS are also more likely to suffer from type II diabetes and heart problems later in life.

Up until recently the prognosis has seemed very bleak for eliminating PCOS and conceiving naturally. Thankfully, many women have taken their health into their own hands and began listening to their bodies and began making lifestyle and dietary changes that have had dramatic and permanent results. Thousands of women once unable to conceive naturally have through implementing easy step by step changes been able to regulate their menstrual cycles, rid themselves of acne and excess hair and all their symptoms of PCOS - permanently. Those who wished to have children have become pregnant without expensive fertility treatment and become mothers to healthy, bouncing babies.

These women are not numbered in the few, they are in the thousands - all had the same symptoms, all followed the same rules, all had the same dramatic results. If you suffer from PCOS, now matter for how long, you can also achieve the same results by following the same lifestyle plan at the Polycystic Ovaries Diet Plan.