How Your Child Can Suffer From Smoking During Pregnancy

Anyone who smokes knows that it is unhealthy, but smoking during pregnancy also places your baby at great risk for many health problems. Actually, there are problems right down the line including adverse risks during birth and beyond. If you smoke and learn that you are pregnant, the ideal time to quit is immediately. However, we realize that not all mothers will quit immediately which is unfortunate. The benefits of quitting for both you are your baby are tremendous. Once you've made the decision to quit seek out a support group to help you succeed. Smoking during pregnancy poses some very real risks and we will talk about those risks here.

When a woman smokes while she is carrying her baby, all systems are essentially under attack from hundreds of known chemicals added to cigarettes. The baby's immune system is compromised, and the effect of that is the general tendency to be sick more often with colds and other infections. There are known complications to the respiratory system as evidenced by a slew of potential problems positively correlated to smoking during pregnancy. Children of mothers who smoked while pregnant can also have problems with normal growth.

Infants of smoking mothers are displaying an interesting trend. The babies in this category tend to have a higher heart rate than babies whose mothers did not smoke. A baby born to a smoking mother will have a heart rate that is about 30% higher than a baby whose mother doesn't smoke. This is speaking specifically about women who smoked during pregnancy. It is difficult to know the exact cause of this condition. But it may be due in part to the baby not receiving the normal amount of oxygen because of the smoking.

More children are being diagnosed with ADHD or attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. In fact, millions of diagnoses are made each year, and the figure appears to be climbing each year. Smoking at least half a pack a day, increases your child's tendency toward hyperactivity, although there are many other causes of ADHD. This increased hyperactivity increases a child's risk of being diagnosed with ADHD.

This should be a tremendous cause for concern for women who smoke while pregnancy.

The highly negative effects on her baby are enormous and incompletely understood. The issues discussed have mainly focused on the unborn baby but these problems don't disappear after birth. These consequences are far reaching and can affect the child well into adulthood. The child can be left dealing with the consequences of their mother smoking while pregnant for their entire life. This is why it is extremely important to quit smoking for the sake of both the mother and the baby.

How to Overcome Stress From Endometriosis Laparoscopic Surgery

When families undergo stress, the next most important step to be able to cope up with a lot of stressful situations is to bond together, to hold substantial conversations, and to express in as numerous ways as possible the ill-feelings toward the stress. This is to make sure that they understand fully their predicament and for them to stay bonded to overcome this challenge.

An example of this stressful scenario is to witness a loved-one who has to go through the endometriosis laparoscopic surgery. This is a medical process that although can be performed on an outpatient basis for a short period of hospital confinement it can still cause stress on the person undergoing the knife and his family and friends. This pressure might eventually result in stressful situations before, during, and right after the endometriosis laparoscopic surgery that would lead the family wearing down emotionally, financially, and spiritually.

Now, how does a loved one become sufficiently strong to manage the challenge that the surgical procedure is going to pose on her body, soul, spirit, and the family members waiting for her outside of the operating room? How should one deal with a loved-one who just had or is still recuperating from endometriosis laparoscopic surgery?

Read on and discover the various ways to do it. Be encouraged that you are not alone in this.

• Yes, be encouraged that as the person going through the surgery, you are not alone in this because one's family will be there through thick and thin. Loved ones meanwhile shouldn't lose heart because an endometriosis laparoscopic surgery isn't that serious a medical procedure anyway. This is a non-invasive procedure and recovery is only for a short period. Sometimes one is even not required to stay in a medical facility.

• A family also needs to prepare their heart and spirit to whatever the outcome of the operation will be. Hope for what's best but always expect the worst. This is the way to do it so they won't be overly excited or perhaps be totally devastated with disappointment and frustration. This is most importantly applicable to a woman undergoing the surgery so that you can correct her infertility challenge and to the husband expecting that it's going to be a hundred percent successful --- that at long last his wife will likely be able to conceive soon.

• Then while the loved one in surgery, members of the family waiting from outside of the OR should stay calm and focused because anytime the surgeon might go out and ask for their opinion or approval in cases when the operation does not go well plus some other thing needs to be done. This is because the person on the operating table could no longer decide for herself. One shouldn't lose his calm in the whole duration.

• Come recovery time, loved ones need not surround the patient 24-7. All they have to do really is always to make him feel that she is loved and looked after. Keep the patient company only when she requests for it. Just that.


How to Name Your Muslim Child

Although it's still early for me, I don't think it's a bad idea for me to start thinking about naming my child. As for me, my religious teaching requires me to look for meaningful names, good names with good meaning as some believed that whatever name that you chooses for you children, it will somehow impact their future life and I believe this is also true for other religions too. Choosing a good and meaningful name is very important as a name is like a prayer, every single day people will be calling your name. Just imagine that you (without proper knowledge) named your child with a bad name, for example something that relates to stubbornness or stupid, people will be calling your child's name time and time and it will act like a prayer or wish and you won't want that for your kids right? So how exactly you should name your child? I will share today some of the tips i get to name your Muslim child and also bad way to name your child.

Recommended Way To Name You Child

1. Named after the Prophets like Muhammad, Isa, Ibrahim, Nuh, Yaakob, etc.

2. Name taken from Asma 'ul Husna (99 names of Allah) - Prophet Muhammad S.A.W has once told that Abdul Rahman (Slave of the Generous; Compassionate; Beneficent) and Abdullah (Slave of Allah) are the names that Allah loves most. I should also point out that in order to use one of the names of Allah, you must put 'Abdul' (meaning 'slave of') in front of it and you can't use 'Abdul' with other names except for the 99 names of Allah.

3. Named after the Prophet's close friends - Name such as Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Saad, Zubair and others are also a good choice for a baby name. They are known as good friends of the Prophets, good leaders, good thinkers, good noble people.

Forbidden Way To Name Your Child

1. Bad and degrading such as Sariq (Thieves), Ashiah ( those who are immoral), Kilab (Dogs), Jahil (Stupid).

2. Specially for Allah only like Ahad (the only One).

3. Didn't have any useful meaning such as Malikul Amlak ( Kings of all kings), Aflah (Prosperous), Yasar (Left-wing - in political term) as prohibited by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W with his saying:

"Do not call your boy Yasar, nor Rabah, nor Najeeh, nor Aflah, since you will say: Is he there?' So it will be said: 'No'. Indeed they are four, so do not attribute more to me." (Reported by Muslim, Abu Dawud & At-Tirmidhee)

4. Anything with 'Abdul' (Slave of) with other attributes other than Allah's 99 names like Abdul Uzza (Uzza's Slave), Abdul Kaabah (Kaabah's Slave), Abdul Fulus (Money Slave).

Recommended and Forbidden names information is taken from 'Indahnya Hidup Bersyariat by Dato' Ismail Kamus' book given by my uncle. It's a good book and I recommend those of you in Malaysia to get it.