Have PCOS? - Get Pregnant Naturally by Listening to Your Body

The diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be a crushing blow for many women, especially so for those wanting to start a family. It can mean a long and emotionally draining road ahead of fertility treatment, failed attempts and heartbreak, not to mention the considerable expense. Any hope of a 'cure' isn't acknowledged by experts and should conventional methods of fertility treatment fail, many women are left with a childless future.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is just as it sounds. Cysts form on the ovaries where the eggs should emerge. This encapsulates the egg trapping it inside preventing it from being released and travelling down the fallopian tube to be fertilized. Aside from preventing pregnancy these cysts can cause pain, discomfort and lead to unnecessary surgery to have the cysts removed. Some women have had cysts up to 12cm in diameter - that's the size of an orange.

Medication and surgery have long been the mainstay of the medical profession with mixed results. While some treatments may indeed help some fortunate women become pregnant, women with PCOS will have more difficulty carrying full term. Other symptoms that cause just as much emotional distress such as excess weight, excess facial and body hair, lethargy, acne are not as easily eliminated. These are just the visual symptoms, women with PCOS are also more likely to suffer from type II diabetes and heart problems later in life.

Up until recently the prognosis has seemed very bleak for eliminating PCOS and conceiving naturally. Thankfully, many women have taken their health into their own hands and began listening to their bodies and began making lifestyle and dietary changes that have had dramatic and permanent results. Thousands of women once unable to conceive naturally have through implementing easy step by step changes been able to regulate their menstrual cycles, rid themselves of acne and excess hair and all their symptoms of PCOS - permanently. Those who wished to have children have become pregnant without expensive fertility treatment and become mothers to healthy, bouncing babies.

These women are not numbered in the few, they are in the thousands - all had the same symptoms, all followed the same rules, all had the same dramatic results. If you suffer from PCOS, now matter for how long, you can also achieve the same results by following the same lifestyle plan at the Polycystic Ovaries Diet Plan.


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