6 Tips for Getting Pregnant Fast!

When infertility problems are not those who stand in the way of procreation you should chose the best tricks in order to speed fulfillment of your dream of having a baby. Besides tricks, there are several essential steps that can relieve the suffering caused by a negative pregnancy test after several attempts. FIND THEM!

1. Make a calendar of menstrual cycle!

The more you know about your menstrual cycle, the easier will be for you to identify the days with maxim fertility. Maybe you will feel good to keep a menstrual calendar, noting you:
the early days of menstruation;day when it ends;pre ovulation symptoms and others.

2. Follow the 3 simple signs of fertility!

The quantity and quality of cervical mucus - when you are fertile the mucus is abundant and has the texture of an egg albumen.

The position and the cervix consistence - is located up inside the vagina and is soft and fleshy - when you are fertile

Fluctuations in basal temperature - this will increase when ovulation has occurred.

3. Have sex in the days suitable for conception!

Make love in the right days because a wrong timing in procreation can destroy plans for having children. They must coincide with your ovulation period, which may vary from month to month, so it is better to monitor your ovulation using an ovulation calculator to find fertile period of the month;

Trying to make love every day of the fertile period can physically and mentally drain your power, but neither increases your chances of getting pregnant. If your partner has a large amount of sperm, it is likely that your doctor will recommend having sex every two days.

4. Create a gentle vaginal environment for sperm!

Researchers have found that a suction effect is created when a woman reaches orgasm, which makes the cervix into the vagina to attract sperm more effectively. Since this suction effect can carry sperm from the very acidic environment inside the vagina, it can ensure the survival of a large number of spermatozoa.

5. Create a gentle vaginal environment for sperm. Avoid things that can interfere with the design plans:
vaginal sprays;scented tampons;artificial lubricants.

6. Do not get up out of bed immediately after sex!

Do not jump out of bed just after the sexual contact. As long as it is not necessary to pick up your bottom with pillows or resorting to other extreme measures to give sperm a boost, is a good idea to stay in a horizontal position for at least several minutes after finishing the sexual contact. The true fact is that gravity is a formidable enemy of the sperm.

Remember that procreation is a game of numbers. You can do everything by the book, and not to get pregnant from the first attempt. Studies have shown that it takes on average six months to conceive and even a period of one year is considered normal.

It is better to seek help sooner rather than later when you are dealing with fertility problems.

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